

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Hacrobia
Phylum: Cryptophyta
Classis: Cryptophyceae
Ordo: Cryptomonadales
Familia: Cryptomonadaceae
Genus: Meyeriella
Species: Meyeriella longiflagellataMeyeriella viridis



Meyeriella Skvortzov, 1967


  • The genus was described by Skvortzov (1967). It is redescribed, again as a new genus, by Skvortzov (1968). It is listed in 1969.
  • Genus not assignable to other higher taxa according to Patterson et al. (2002:1326).
  • Misspelling: Meyerella instead of Meyeriella in the list published by Patterson et al. (2002:1326).


  • Patterson, D.J., Vørs, N., Simpson, A.G.B. & O′Kelly, C. 2002 ["2000"]. Residual Free-living and Predatory Heterotrophic Flagellates. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. (eds.), An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 1302–1328. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1967 (1968). On new genera of Cryptomonadinae recorded from North–Eastern China. The Journal of Japanese Botany 43: 8–16.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1968. Genus novum Meyeriella (Cryptomonadales) e China. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Non Vascularium 5: 65–66, 2 figs.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1969. The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1967. Part III. Hydrobiologia 34(3): 348-352, [1].