Lucy Beatrice Moore
(Redirected from Lucy B. Moore)
Lucy Beatrice Moore (1906-07-14 – 1987-06-09), New Zealand botanist and ecologist. Renowned plant collector, often together with her botanical companion Lucy Cranwell. She also published on carcinology.

IPNI standard form: L.B.Moore
Taxon names authored
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- Moore, L.B. 1944. Some intertidal sessile Barnacles of New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 73: 315–334. article site Reference page.
- Moore, L.B. 1970. Some implications of precocious flowering in Collospermum. Pacific science 24(3): 409–413. Handle Reference page.
- Moore, L.B. & Simpson, M.J.A 1973. A New Myosotis from North-west Nelson. New Zealand Journal of Botany 11(1): 163–170. DOI: 10.1080/0028825X.1973.10430270 Reference page.
- Moore, L.B. & Mason, R. 1974. Coprosma talbrockiei sp. nov. and allied creeping species (Rubiaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 12(1): 137–148. DOI: 10.1080/0028825X.1974.10428630 Reference page.