Wantuan:Pahan Taksonavigasi

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Taxonavigation section and the translation is 58% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

The taxonavigation section is probably the most important part of Wikispecies, and a lot of time is invested to maintain it. This section is also the section that leads to most discussion. This is caused by the unclear state of science about certain taxa. When the scientific community is unclear, the Wikispecies community has to make a decision by themselves, and that's exactly what feeds these discussions. But they are more than welcome.

Pahan taksonavigasi

After a lengthy discussion of more than a year, the Wikispecies community has made a choice on how this section should be formatted. The decision was made to generate a straight list, without any special formatting. This was mostly based on the fact it is the most flexible presentation.

The taxonavigation section should rely heavily on templates. See the Help:Project Templates for more information about taxon-templates. This section is always the first thing unless there's an image.

Pahan conto antuk taksa supragénerik:
{{Parent template}}
Panak: [[Panak1]] – [[Panak2]] – ..... [[PanakN]]

It is essential here to add the  – , to ascertain pages are presented fashionably on every computer/browser. If omitted the lists of children may be broken at the wrong places.

An example section for generic and infrageneric taxa (using genus as an example)
{{Parent template}}
Genera: {{g|Child2}} {{g|Child2}} ... {{glast|ChildN}}

Genus level can be done without {{G}}/{{Glast}} however this way is preferred. If done without templates don't forget to italicize each one separately. Anything below genus should always use the templates below.

Mal antuk taksonavigasi

Wikispecies uses these special templates for formatting and ease. It is strongly urged that everyone uses these:

Soroh lis Napi sané kaketik Napi sané ngardi
Génus {{g|Genus1}} {{g|Genus2}} {{glast|Genuslast}}

Genus1 – Genus2 – Genuslast

Spésiés {{sp|G|enus|species1}} {{sp|G|enus|species2}} {{splast|G|enus|specieslast}}

G. species1 – G. species2 – G. specieslast

Subspésiés (Ten-Entikan) {{ssp|G|enus|s|pecies|sub1}} {{ssp|G|enus|s|pecies|sub2}} {{ssplast|G|enus|s|pecies|sublast}}

G. s. sub1 – G. s. sub2 – G. s. sublast

Subspésiés (Entikan) {{subspplant|G|enus|s|pecies|sub1}} {{subspplant|G|enus|s|pecies|sub2}} {{subspplantlast|G|enus|s|pecies|sublast}}

G. s. subsp. sub1 – G. s. subsp. sub2 – G. s. subsp. sublast

Subspésiés (Baktéri) {{subspbacteria|G|enus|species|sub1}} {{subspbacteria|G|enus|species|sub2}} {{subspbacterialast|G|enus|species|sub3}}

G. species subsp. sub1 – G. species subsp. sub2 – G. species subsp. sub3

Subgénus (Ten-Entikan) {{subg|G|enus|subg1}} {{subg|G|enus|subg2}} {{subglast|G|enus|subglast}}

G. (subg1) – G. (subg2) – G. (subglast)

Subgénus (Entikan) {{subgplant|G|enus|subg1}} {{subgplant|G|enus|subg2}} {{subgplantlast|G|enus|subglast}}

G. subg. subg1 – G. subg. subg2 – G. subg. subglast

Subgénus spésiés {{sgsps|G|enus|S|ubg|species1}} {{sgsps|G|enus|S|ubg|species2}} {{sgspslast|G|enus|S|ubg|species3}}

G. (S.) species1 – G. (S.) species2 – G. (S.) species3

Pahan {{sect|G|enus|sect1}} {{sect|G|enus|sect2}} {{sectlast|G|enus|sectlast}}

G. sect. sect1 – G. sect. sect2 – G. sect. sectlast

Variétas {{var|G|enus|s|pecies|var1}} {{var|G|enus|s|pecies|var2}} {{varlast|G|enus|s|pecies|varlast}}

G. s. var. var1 – G. s. var. var2 – G. s. var. varlast

Multiple takson

One other thing to note is use of singular and plural. Use singular (e.g. genus) on the genus page, but plural (e.g. genera) when listing genera on higher taxa pages (even if there is only one genus in the list).

Taksa Latin miwah jamak
Tunggal Jamak
Regio Regiones
Regnum Regna
Phylum Phyla
Superclassis Superclasses
Classis Classes
Superordo Superordines
Ordo Ordines
Subordo Subordines
Superfamilia Superfamiliae
Familia Familiae
Subfamilia Subfamiliae
Divisio Divisiones
Cohors Cohortes
Sectio Sectiones
Tribus Tribus
Subtribus Subtribus
Genus Genera
Subgenus Subgenera
Sectio Sectiones
Series Series
Species Species
Varietas Varietates
Forma Formae


  • Genera and taxa below generic level are always written in italics. Do not italicize any other rank. Be mindful not to italicize things like "var.", "sect.", "subsp.", etc. (this is easily taken care of by using the appropriate template).
  • Disambiguation words should always be hidden by pipe-tricking the link (e.g. ''[[Genus (Familia)|Genus]]'').
  • Every name in the taxonavigation should be a link, including the one for the page it's on (this self-link is desirable).
General Wikispecies Taxonavigation section/ban Name section