Frederick Martin Brown
Frederick Martin Brown (1903–1993), U.S. entomologist
Taxon names authored
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edit- Brown, F.M. 1932. Pieridae from the regions of Mt. Duida and Mt. Roraima. American Museum novitates 572: 1–7. Full article (pdf). Reference page.
- Brown, F.M. 1939. New forms and species in the genus Catasticta. I. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 34(2): 120–128. Reference page.
- Brown, F.M. & Gabriel, A.G. 1939. New forms and species in the genus Catasticta. II. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 34(4): 203–214. Reference page.
edit- Brown, F.M. & Fox, R.M. 1945. New genera and species of Ithomiinae (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). American Museum Novitates 1295: 1–14. Full article (pdf). Reference page.
edit- Comstock, W.P. & Brown, F.M. 1950. Geographical variation and subspeciation in Heliconius charitonius Linnaeus (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). American Museum Novitates 146: 1–21. PDF. Reference page.
edit- Brown, F.M. 1963. Dates of publication of the various parts of the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 89(3/4): 305–308. JSTOR Reference page.
- Brown, F.M. 1964. The dates of publication of the first ten volumes of the Transactions of the American Entomological Society. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 90(3): 313–321. JSTOR . Reference page.
- Brown, F. M., 1969-70. The Types of Lycaenid butterflies Described by William Henry Edwards, 1 Lycaeninae, 2 Theclinae, Strymoninae, 3 Plebejinae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 95: 161–179 [6 Jun 1969]; 96 (l): 19–77 [25 Mar 1970]; 96: 353–433 [17 Nov 1970]. Reference page.
edit- Brown, F.M. 1971. The “Arrowhead Blue," Glaucopsyche piasus Boisduval (Lycaenidae:Plebejinae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 25(4): 240-246, 18 Figs. Reference page.
- F.M. Brown & Miller, L.D., 1975. The Types of the Hesperiid Butterflies Named by William Henry Edwards. Part I, Hesperiidae; Pyrginae Transactions of the American Entomological Society 101(4): 597-649. Reference page.
- Brown, F.M., 1975. A new subspecies of Glaucopsyche (Phaedrotes) piasus from Nevada (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 77(4): 501-504, 1 fig. Reference page.
- Brown & Miller, 1977. The Types of the Hesperiid Butterflies Named by William Henry Edwards. Part II, Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae, Section I Transactions of the American Entomological Society 103 (1)ː 259-302, 27 figs. Reference page.
edit- Brown, F.M. and Miller, L.D. (1980). The Types of the Hesperiid Butterflies Named by W.H. Edwards. 2. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 106(1): 43-89, Fig.15. Reference page.
- Miller, L.D. & Brown, F.M., 1981. A Catalogue/Checklist of the Butterflies of America North of Mexico. Memoires, Lepidopterists' Society. 2: ii + 280pp. BHL. Reference page.
- Brown, F. M. 1986. Lithoserix williamsi (Siricidae: Hymenoptera) a newly recognized fossil horntail from Florissant, Colorado. Insecta Mundi 1(3):119-120
- Brown, F.M. & Miller, L.D., 1987. The Types of the Hesperiid Butterflies Described by William Henry Edwards 3. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 113(1): 29-71. Reference page.
- Miller, J.Y. & Brown, F.M. 1989. A new oligocene fossil butterfly, Vanessa †amerindica (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), from the Florissant Formation, Colorado. Bulletin of the Allyn Museum 126: 1–9. PDF. Reference page.