Eugorgia mutabilis

Eugorgia mutabilis


Taxonavigation: Holaxonia 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Phylum: Cnidaria
Classis: Anthozoa
Subclassis: Octocorallia
Ordo: Alcyonacea
Subordo: Holaxonia

Familia: Gorgoniidae
Genus: Eugorgia
Species: Eugorgia mutabilis



Eugorgia mutabilis Breedy, Williams & Guzman, 2013

ZooBank: B552B4F0-50F4-4E16-BC00-5A3CB2C565C5

Type locality: Puerto Jiménez, Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica, 11 m.

Holotype: UCR 2297, ethanol preserved, Burbujas, between Los Potreros and Playa Arenitas, Puerto Jiménez, Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica, 11 m, O. Breedy, 9 May 2013.


  • UCR 2298, same data as holotype.
  • UCR 2272, 2276, fragments, ethanol preserved, Burbujas, 12 m, C. Sánchez, May 2012.
  • UCR 2299, fragment, ethanol preserved, Roca Matapalo, Cabo Matapalo, Golfo Dulce, 20 m, O. Breedy, 6 February 2009.
  • STRI 408, dry, Isla Seca Grande, Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá, 20 m, H. Guzman, 26 August 2002. STRI 444, dry, Isla Jicarita, Gulf of Chiriquí, 20 m, H. Guzman, 29 August 2002.
  • STRI 511, dry, Isla Ladrones, Gulf of Chiriquí, 15 m, H. Guzman, 14 April 2003.
  • STRI 1073, Santa Cruz, Coiba Island, Panamá, 15 m, H. Guzman, 27 April 2007. STRI 1076, Twin Peaks, Coiba Island, 15 m, H. Guzman, 27 April 2007.
  • STRI 1168, fragment, ethanol preserved, Bajo Hacha, Coiba Island, 20 m, O. Breedy, 16 April 2009. STRI 1122, ethanol preserved, La Blanca, Oxaca, Mexico, 46 m, R. Abeytia, 29 August 2004.



Primary references

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