
(Redirected from Pyrrhophyta)

Taxonavigation edit

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Alveolata
Phylum: Myzozoa
Subphylum: Dinozoa
Infraphylum: Dinoflagellata
Superclasses: DinokaryotaSyndina

Overview of classes edit

Dinophyceae – Noctilucea – Peridinea – Syndinea – Dinoflagellata incertae sedis

Synonymy: Pyrrophyta

Name edit

Dinoflagellata Bütschli, 1885 [1880-1889]

Synonyms or similar groups:

Vernacular names edit

English: Dinoflagellates
español: Dinoflagelados
eesti: Dinoflagellaadid, Vaguviburvetikad
français: Dinoflagellés
magyar: Páncélos ostorosok
Türkçe: Ateşrengi algler

References edit

  • Thomas Cavalier-Smith and E. E. Chao, Protalveolate phylogeny and systematics and the origins of Sporozoa and dinoflagellates (phylum Myzozoa nom. nov.), Europ. J. Protistol. 40, 185-212 (2004).
  • Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Protist phylogeny and the high-level classification of Protozoa, Europ. J. Protistol. 39, 338-348 (2003).
  • Saldarriaga, J.F., Taylor, F.J.R. (2017). Dinoflagellata. In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.). Handbook of the Protists. Springer, pp. 1-54. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_22-1

Links edit

Alternative classifications edit

Stein (1883) edit

Stein, F. von (1883). Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere, Abt. 3 (2). Engelmann, Leipzig, [1].

  • Infusionthiere
    • Peritrichen Infusionthiere (Peritricha)
    • Hypotrichen Infusionthiere (Hypotricha)
    • Heterotrichen Infusionthiere (Heterotricha)
    • Holotrichen Infusionthiere (Holotricha)
    • Flagellaten oder Geisselinfusorien
    • Arthrodelen Flagellaten
      • Prorocentrinen
      • Cladopyxiden
      • Peridiniden
      • Dinophysiden
      • Noctiluciden

Bütschli (1885 [1880-1889]) edit

From Bütschli, O. (1880–1889). Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Erster Band: Protozoa. Abt. I, Sarkodina und Sporozoa, 1880-82 [2]. Abt. II, Mastigophora, 1883-87 [3]. Abt. III, Infusoria und System der Radiolaria, 1887-89 [4]. C.F. Winter, Leipzig.

Phylum Protozoa

Fritsch (1935) edit

Fritsch, F.E. The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. Vol. I, Introduction, Chlorophyceae. Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chloromonadineae, Euglenineae, Colourless Flagellata, 1935, [5]. From Sharma (1986), [6], [7].


Kudo (1954) edit

Protozoology, 4th ed., [8].

Phylum Protozoa Goldfuss

John O. Corliss (1984) edit

From The kingdom Protista and its 45 phyla

In Kingdom Protista
Assemblage "Dinoflagellates"

Taylor in Margulis et al. (1990) edit

Taylor, F.J.R., 1990. 24. Phylum Dinoflagellata:. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 419-437. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [9].

Kingdom Protoctista

Cavalier-Smith (1993) edit

From Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla, [10].

Empire Eukaryota

Fensome et al. (1993) edit

Fensome, R.A., Taylor, F.J.R., Norris, G., Sarjeant, W.A.S., Wharton, D.I. & Williams, G.L. (1993). A classification of fossil and living dinoflagellates. Micropaleontology Press Special Paper, no.7, 351 p. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2016), [11].

Division Dinoflagellata Bütschli (1885)

Cavalier-Smith (1998) edit

From A revised six-kingdom system of life, [12].

Empire or Superkingdom 2. Eukaryota

  • Kingdom 1. Protozoa Goldfuss 1818 stat. nov. Owen 1858 em. [almost certainly paraphyletic]
    • Subkingdom 2. Neozoa Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. nov. 1997 em. [almost certainly paraphyletic]
      • Infrakingdom 3. Alveolata Cavalier-Smith 1991 em.
        • Superphylum 1. Miozoa Cavalier-Smith 1987.
          • Phylum 1. Dinozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981 em.
            • Subphylum 1. Protalveolata Cavalier-Smith 1991 em. (e.g. Colponema, Ellobiopsis, Spironema, Hemimastix, Colpodella, Perkinsus) [probably paraphyletic]
            • Subphylum 2. Dinoflagellata Bütschli 1885 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1991 (e.g. Noctiluca, Crypthecodinium, Amphidinium)

Dodge & Lee, in Lee et al. 2000 edit

Dodge, J.D. & Lee, J.J. 2000. Phylum Dinoflagellata. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 1, p. 656-689, [13]. See Brands, S.J., 1989-2015, [14].

In “protozoa”, “alveolates

Okolodkov in Pugachev (2011) edit

Okolodkov, Y. B. [Околодков Ю. Б.]. Dinoflagellata. In: Pugachev, O. N. ed. [О.Н. Пугачев]. 2011. Protista 3: Guide-book on zoology. [Протисты 3: руководство по зоологии]. St. Petersburg: KMK Scientific Press, 474 pp. (in Russian, with English summaries), [15], [16].


Adl et al. (2012) edit

Adl, S. M. et al. (2012). The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59 (5): 429–514, [17].


Ruggiero et al. (2015) edit

Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. (2015). A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248, [18].