William Morton Wheeler
William Morton Wheeler (March 19, 1865 – April 19, 1937), U.S. entomologist, myrmecologist and Harvard professor.

Taxon names authored
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edit- Peckham, G.W., Peckham, E.M.G. & Wheeler, W.M. 1889. Spiders of the subfamily Lyssomanae. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 7: 222-256. Reference page.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1890. Description of some new North American Dolichopodidae. Psyche 5: 337–343, 355–362, 373–379. BHL, BHL, BHL.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1896. Two dolichopodid genera new to America. Entomological News 7: 152–156. BHL.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1896. A new genus and species of Dolichopodidae. Entomological News 7: 185–189. BHL.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1896. A new empid with remarkable middle tarsi. Entomological News 7: 189–192. BHL.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1897. A genus of maritime Dolichopodidae new to America. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (ser. 3) 1 (Zool) 145–152. BHL.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1898. A new genus of Dolichopodidae from Florida. Zoölogical Bulletin 1(5): 217–220. BHL.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1899. New species of Dolichopodidae from the United States. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (ser. 3) 2 (Zool.) 1–84. BHL.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1900. The female of Eciton sumichrasti Norton, with some notes on the habits of Texan Ecitons. American Naturalist 34: 563–574.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1900. A study of some Texan Ponerinae. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) 2: 1–31.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1900. The habits of Ponera and Stigmatomma. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) 2: 43–69.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1901. The compound and mixed nests of American ants. Part I. Observations on a new guest ant. American Naturalist 35: 431–448.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1901. Notices biologiques sur les fourmis Mexicaines. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 45: 199–205.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1901. The compound and mixed nests of American ants. Part II. The known cases of social symbiosis among American ants. American Naturalist 35: 513–539.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1901. Microdon larvae in Pseudomyrma nests. Psyche (Cambridge) 9: 222–224.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1901. The compound and mixed nests of American ants. Part II (continued). American Naturalist 35: 701–724.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1901. The compound and mixed nests of American ants. Part III. Symbiogenesis and psychogenesis. American Naturalist 35: 791–818.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1901. The parasitic origin of macroërgates among ants. American Naturalist 35: 877–886.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1902. A new agricultural ant from Texas, with remarks on the known North American species. American Naturalist 36: 85–100.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1902. Formica fusca Linn. subsp. subpolita Mayr, var. perpilosa, n. var. Memorias y Revista de la Sociedad Científica "Antonio Alzate" 17: 141–142.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1902. [Translation of Emery's "An analytical key to the genera of the family Formicidae, for the identification of the workers."]. American Naturalist 36: 707–725.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1902. New agricultural ants from Texas. Psyche (Cambridge) 9: 387–393.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1902. An American Cerapachys, with remarks on the affinities of the Cerapachyinae. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) 3: 181–191.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1902. The occurrence of Formica cinerea Mayr and Formica rufibarbis Fabricius in America. American Naturalist 36: 947–952.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1902. A consideration of S. B. Buckley's "North American Formicidae.". Transactions of the Texas Academy of Sciences 4: 17–31.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. Erebomyrma, a new genus of hypogaeic ants from Texas. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) 4: 137–148.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. Ethological observations on an American ant (Leptothorax Emersoni Wheeler). [part]. Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie 2: 31–47.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. A decad of Texan Formicidae. Psyche (Cambridge) 10: 93–111.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55: 215–260.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. Ethological observations on an American ant (Leptothorax Emersoni Wheeler). [concl.]. Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie 2: 64–78.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. The North American ants of the genus Stenamma sensu stricto. Psyche (Cambridge) 10: 164–168.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. Extraordinary females in three species of Formica, with remarks on mutation in the Formicidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 19: 639–651.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. Some new gynandromorphous ants, with a review of the previously recorded cases. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 19: 653–683.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. The origin of female and worker ants from the eggs of parthenogenetic workers. Science (New York) (n.s.) 18: 830–833.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1903. Some notes on the habits of Ceraphachys augustae. Psyche (Cambridge) 10: 205–209.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1908. The ants of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. (Part I.). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 24: 399-485. (page 452, queen described) [Antwiki 1908h]
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. Ants: their structure, development and behavior. New York: Columbia University Press, xxv + 663 pp.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. Small artificial ant-nests of novel patterns. Psyche (Cambridge) 17: 73–75.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. The effects of parasitic and other kinds of castration in insects. Journal of Experimental Biology 8: 377–438.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. Three new genera of myrmicine ants from tropical America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 28: 259–265. hdl: 2246/1918 Reference page.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. An aberrant Lasius from Japan. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) 19: 130–137.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. A new species of Aphomomyrmex from Borneo. Psyche (Cambridge) 17: 131–135.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. The North American ants of the genus Camponotus Mayr. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 20: 295–354.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. The North American forms of Lasius umbratus Nylander. Psyche (Cambridge) 17: 235–243.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. The North American forms of Camponotus fallax Nylander. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 18: 216–232.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1910. Family Formicidae. pp. 655–663 in: Smith, J.B. 1910. Annual report of the New Jersey State Museum, including a report of the insects of New Jersey, 1909. Trenton: MacCrellish & Quigley, 888 pp.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. Additions to the ant-fauna of Jamaica. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 30: 21–29.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. Ants collected in Grenada, W. I. by Mr. C. T. Brues. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 54: 167–172.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. Three formicid names which have been overlooked. Science (New York) (n.s.) 33: 858–860.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. A new Camponotus from California. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 19: 96–98.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. Two fungus-growing ants from Arizona. Psyche 18: 93–101.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. The ant-colony as an organism. Journal of Morphology 22: 307–325.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. A list of the type species of the genera and subgenera of Formicidae. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 21: 157–175.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. Literature for 1910 on the behavior of ants, their guests and parasites. Journal of Animal Behavior 1: 413–429.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. Descriptions of some new fungus-growing ants from Texas, with Mr. C. G. Hartman's observations on their habits. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 19: 245–255.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. Lasius (Acanthomyops) claviger in Tahiti. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 19: 262.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1911. Three new ants from Mexico and Central America. Psyche 18: 203–208.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1912. The ants of Guam. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 20: 44–48.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1912. Notes on a mistletoe ant. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 20: 130–133.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1912. New names for some ants of the genus Formica. Psyche 19: 90.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1912. Notes about ants and their resemblance to man. National Geographic Magazine 23: 731–766.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1912. Additions to our knowledge of the ants of the genus Myrmecocystus Wesmael. Psyche 19: 172–181.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1912. The male of Eciton vagans Olivier. Psyche 19: 206–207.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1913. Corrections and additions to "List of type species of the genera and subgenera of Formicidae". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 23: 77–83.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1913. The ants of Cuba. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 54: 477–505.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1913. [Untitled. Description of Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr.]. pp. 27–29 in: Newell, W.; Barber, T. C. 1913. The Argentine ant. United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin 122: 1–98.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1913. Ants collected in Georgia by Dr. J. C. Bradley and Mr. W. T. Davis. Psyche (Cambridge) 20: 112–117.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1913. Ants collected in the West Indies. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 32: 239–244.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1913. Zoological results of the Abor Expedition, 1911-1912, XVII. Hymenoptera, II: Ants (Formicidae). Records of the Indian Museum 8: 233–237.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1913. Observations on the Central American acacia ants. pp. 109–139 in: Jordan, K.; Eltringham, H. (eds.) 1913. 2nd International Congress of Entomology, Oxford, August 1912. Volume II, Transactions. London: Hazell, Watson & Viney Ltd., 489 pp.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1913. A solitary wasp (Aphilanthops frigidus F. Smith) that provisions its nest with queen ants. Journal of Animal Behavior 3: 374–387.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1913. A revision of the ants of the genus Formica (Linné) Mayr. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 53: 379–565.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1914. Formica Exsecta in Japan. Psyche (Camb.) 21: 26–27. DOI: 10.1155/1914/19364 Reference page.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1915. Some additions to the North American ant fauna. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 34, art. VII: 389–421. PDF. Reference page.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1915. The ants of the Baltic amber. Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 55(4): 1–142. BHL Reference page.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1917. The Australian ant-genus Myrmecorhynchus (Ern. André) and its position in the subfamily Camponotinae. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia 41: 14-19, plate I. BHL Reference page.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1918. The Australian ants of the ponerine tribe Cerapachyini. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 53(3): 215–265. DOI: 10.2307/25129989.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1921: Observations on army ants in British Guiana. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 56: 291-328. BHL Reference page.
edit- Wheeler, W.M., with the Collaboration of J. Bequaert, I.W. Bailey, F. Santschi & W.M. Mann 1922. Ants of the American Museum Congo Expedition. A Contribution to the Myrmecology of Africa. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 45, art. I: 1–1055. BHL Reference page.
- Wheeler, W.M. 1922: The ants of Trinidad. American Museum novitates, (45) BHL Reference page.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. & Chapman, J.W. 1925. The ants of the Philippine Islands. Part I, Dorylinae and Ponerinae. Philippine journal of science 28: 47–73. Reference page.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1927: Ants of the genus Amblyopone Erichson. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 62: 1-29. JSTOR full article (PDF) Reference page.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1928. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in China. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 22: 3–38.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1930: Philippine ants of the genus Aenictus with descriptions of the females of two species. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 38(2): 193-212. JSTOR Reference page.
edit- Wheeler, W.M. 1932. An extraordinary ant-guest from the Philippines (Aenictoteras Chapmani, gen. et sp. nov.). Société Entomologique de France, Livre du Centenaire, 301–310.