William E. Bemis
William Elliot Bemis, palaeontologist.
Taxon names authored
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- Grande, L. & Bemis, W. 1996. Interrelationships of Acipenseriformes, with comments on "Chondrostei". Pp. 85–115 in Stiassny, M., Parenti, L. & Johnson, D (eds.) Interrelationships of Fishes. Reference page.
- Grande, L. & Bemis, W.E. 1998. A comprehensive phylogenetic study of amiid fishes (Amiidae) based on comparative skeletal anatomy: an empirical search for interconnected patterns of natural history. Soc. Vert. Paleont. Mem. (Suppl. J. Vert. Paleont.) 4: 1–690. Reference page.