Valentine Jackson Chapman
Valentine Jackson Chapman (1910–1980), New Zealand phycologist.

IPNI standard form: V.J.Chapm.
Taxon names authored
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- Chapman, V.J. 1940. Some new varieties of Enteromorpha and a new species of Monostroma. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 78: 262–266. PDF of Vol. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. 1949. Some new species and forms of marine algae from New Zealand. Farlowia 3: 495–498. BHL Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. 1951. Notes on New Zealand algae. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 79: 84–86. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. 1952. New entities in the Chlorophyceae of New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 80: 47–58, ps 21, 22. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. 1954. Algae of the Three Kings Islands, New Zealand. Records of the Auckland Museum 4: 199–204, 1 plate. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. 1956. The marine algae of New Zealand. Part I. Myxophyceae and Chlorophyceae. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 55: 333–501, 153 figs, Plates 24–50. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. 1961. New entities and combinations in the Phaeophyceae of New Zealand. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 10D: 15–28. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. 1961. A contribution to the ecology of the Kermadec Islands. Pacific Science 15: 347–351. BHL Reference page.
- Lindauer, V.W., Chapman, V.J. & Aiken, M. 1961. The marine algae of New Zealand. II. Phaeophyceae. Nova Hedwigia 3: 129–350, Plates 57–97. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. 1969. A remarkable new red seaweed from New Zealand. Journal of Phycology 5: 259–265. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. & Dromgoole, F.I. 1970. The marine algae of New Zealand. Part III. Rhodophyceae. Issue 2: Florideophycidae: Rhodymeniales. pp. 115–154, figs. 36–46, pls 39–50. Lehre: Cramer. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. & Parkinson, P.G. 1974. Issue 3: Cryptonemiales. In: The marine algae of New Zealand. Part III. Rhodophyceae. (Chapman, V.J. Eds), pp. 155–278. Lehre: J. Cramer. Reference page.
- Chapman, V.J. 1979. Issue 4: Gigartinales. In: The marine algae of New Zealand. Part III. Rhodophyceae. (Chapman, V.J. Eds), pp. 279–506. Lehre: Cramer. Reference page.