User:Christian Ferrer/miscellaneous

Test edit

Must see edit

  • Ophiacantha cuspidata Lyman, 1878 synonymized with Ophiacantha anomala G.O. Sars, 1872 by Martynov & Litvinova (2008) p. 91

Plazi edit

WoRMS edit

  • ?Olbers et al. (2019) as a new combination reference for Ophiura indica? → Olbers et al. (2019) don't seems to talk at all about this species.
  • Lacking record(s):
    • Linckia pacifica var. diplax (Müller & Troschel, 1842); — Sladen, 1889: 410 → original combination: Ophidiaster diplax Müller & Troschel, 1842 → Linckia guildingi Gray, 1840
    • Gnathaster paxillosus (Gray, 1847) Sladen, 1889: 286 → Diplodontias paxillosus (Gray, 1847)
    • Gnathaster miliaris (Gray, 1847) Sladen, 1889: 286 → Diplodontias miliaris (Gray, 1847)
    • Stereocidaris canaliculata (A. Agassiz, 1863) Mortensen, 1903: 25–26 → Austrocidaris canaliculata
    • Chondrocidaris compta (Philip, 1964), origin. comb.= †Menocidaris compta Philip, 1964 (WoRMS), genus stated as synonymy of Chondrocidaris, and recombination quoted in The Echinoid Directory
    • Cidaris micans (Mortensen, 1903) H.L. Clark, 1925: 19 → Calocidaris micans
    • Amphiacantha gastracantha (Lütken & Mortensen, 1899) Matsumoto, 1917: 178 → Dougaloplus gastracanthus
    • Amphiacantha notacantha (Lütken & Mortensen, 1899) Matsumoto, 1917: 178 → Dougaloplus notacanthus
    • Ophiosphalma breve (H.L. Clark, 1939) Baker, 2016: 27 → Ophiomusa breve
    • Ophioglypha verrucosa (Studer, 1876) Studer, 1882: 14–15 → Ophiura verrucosa
    • Amphiophiura aspera (Koehler, 1898) H.L. Clark, 1915: 314 → Ophiura saurura
    • Ophiura aspera (Koehler, 1898) Matsumoto, 1915: 81 → Ophiura saurura
    • Ophiozea robusta (Ayres, 1852) A.H. Clark, 1920: 6 → Ophiura robusta
    • Ophioglypha lacertosa Lyman, 1865 [recombination of pre-Linnean taxon Stella lacertosa Linck, 1733: 47–48] → Ophiura ophiura
    • Ophiura thouleti (Koehler, 1895) Meissner, 1901: 925 → Ophiura ljungmani
    • Homalophiura flexibilis (Koehler, 1911) H.L. Clark, 1915: 326 → Ophiura flexibilis
    • Homalophiura rouchi (Koehler, 1912) H.L. Clark, 1915: 327 → Ophiura rouchi
    • Ophioglypha carnea (M. Sars in Lütken, 1858) Lyman, 1865: 10 → Ophiura carnea
    • Ophioglypha abyssicola (Forbes, 1843) Ljungman, 1867: 307 → Ophiocten abyssicolum
    • Homalophiura nana (Lütken & Mortensen, 1899) H.L. Clark, 1915: 327 → Ophiura nana
    • Ophioderma bridgerensis Meek, 1873 original combination of Ophiura bridgerensis and of Ophioglypha bridgerensis, that last one wrongly stated as to be the original combination

sources to be merged

sources to be merged

sources to be merged

sources to be merged

    • Calamocrinus ilimanangei Rasmussen, 1972
    • Amphorometra ornata Rasmussen, 1972
    • Astropecten granulatus Rasmussen, 1972 [junior homonym of Astropecten granulatus Müller & Troschel, 1842]
    • Lophidiaster haunsbergensis Rasmussen, 1972
    • Lophidiaster inversus Rasmussen, 1972
    • Lophidiaster concavus Rasmussen, 1972
  • Ophiocoma granulata, Ophiocoma minuta, Ophiocoma rosula wrongly attributed to Forbes, 1839 → there are recombinations made by Forbes (1839: 127) of Ophiura granulata Fleming, 1828: 488, Ophiura rosula Fleming, 1828: 489 and Asterias minuta Pennant, 1777: 63

Echinodermata, articles to check edit

Hayato Ikeda edit

Austin Hobart Clark edit

Hubert Lyman Clark edit

Walter Kenrick Fisher edit

Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales edit

Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A: Zoology edit

NIWA edit

Zoosystema edit

2021 edit

2022 edit

Zootaxa edit

2007 edit

2009 edit

2010 edit

2011 edit

2012 edit

2013 edit

2014 edit

2015 edit

2016 edit

2017 edit

2018 edit

2019 edit

2020 edit

2021 edit

Zoosymposia edit

2019 edit

The Australian zoologist edit

Australian Museum edit

1933 edit

Various links edit

Cover Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica] some articles CC BY

Queries edit

{{#invoke:WikidataIB |pageId }}

{{SPARQL| state=collapsed| embedded=yes| query=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel (YEAR(?date_de_publication) as ?year) ?wikispecies ?wikimediaCommons WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } { SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item p:P50 ?statement0. ?statement0 (ps:P50/(wdt:P279*)) wd:{{#invoke:WikidataIB |pageId }} } LIMIT 100 } OPTIONAL { ?wikispecies schema:about ?item ; schema:isPartOf <> } OPTIONAL { ?wikimediaCommons schema:about ?item ; schema:isPartOf <> } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P577 ?date_de_publication. } } }}

Genera of Echinodermata showing potential Wikispecies links and synonymy edit

#genera of Echinodermata showing potential Wikispecies links and synonymy

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?rankLabel ?speciessitelink ?synonym ?synonymLabel
  ?item wdt:P171+ wd:Q44631 .
  ?item wdt:P105 ?rank .
  ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q34740 .
  OPTIONAL { ?speciessitelink schema:about ?item ; schema:isPartOf <> . }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1420 | ^wdt:P1420 ?synonym . }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . }
order by ?rankLabel ?itemLabel

Try it!

Same thing as above (+authors and first descrptions) but showing synonymy only for the item that are "taxon synonyms" edit

#genera of Echinodermata showing potential: authors, fisrt description, Wikispecies links and synonymy (each should either have a link to wikispecies or be the synonym of another taxon)

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?author ?firstDescription ?speciesSitelink ?isSynonymOf ?isSynonymOfLabel
  ?item wdt:P171+ wd:Q44631 .
  ?item wdt:P105 ?rank .
  ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q34740 .
  OPTIONAL { ?item p:P225 ?st . 
    ?st pq:P405 ?author . }
  OPTIONAL { ?item p:P225 ?statement .
    ?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?reference .
    ?reference pr:P248 ?firstDescription .
    ?reference pr:P6184 wd:Q1361864 . }
  OPTIONAL { ?speciesSitelink schema:about ?item ; schema:isPartOf <> . }
  OPTIONAL { ?item ^wdt:P1420 ?isSynonymOf . }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . }
order by ?itemLabel

Try it!

  ?item wdt:P105 wd:Q7432;
        wdt:P171+ wd:Q59256 .
  ?article schema:about ?item; schema:isPartOf <>; schema:name ?title .

Try it!

Taxa with author in Wikidata, but no Wikispecies sitelink edit

#taxa with author, but no Wikispecies sitelink
#by Jura1, August 28, 2020

SELECT ?author ?authorLabel ?taxa ?count
  SELECT ?author
         (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?taxon; separator=", ") as ?taxa)
         (COUNT(?taxon) as ?count)
    ?st pq:P405 ?author .
    FILTER NOT EXISTS { [] schema:about ?author ; schema:isPartOf <> }
    ?st ps:P225 ?taxon .
  GROUP BY ?author
} as %new
  INCLUDE %new
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Try it!

Taxa of Ophiuroidea with author in Wikidata, but no Wikispecies sitelink edit

#taxa of wd:Q59256 with author, but no Wikispecies sitelink
#by Jura1, August 29, 2020

SELECT ?author ?authorLabel ?taxa ?count
  SELECT ?author
         (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?taxon; separator=", ") as ?taxa)
         (COUNT(?taxon) as ?count)
    hint:Query hint:optimizer "None".
    ?taxonitem wdt:P171+ wd:Q59256 .
    ?taxonitem p:P225 ?st . 
    ?st pq:P405 ?author .
    FILTER NOT EXISTS { [] schema:about ?author ; schema:isPartOf <> }
    ?st ps:P225 ?taxon .
  GROUP BY ?author
} as %new
  INCLUDE %new
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Try it!

All taxa with the same author (exemple with Theodore Lyman) edit

#all taxa with the same author 
#by Jura1, Aug 29, 2020

SELECT (YEAR(?date) as ?year) ?taxonitem ?taxonitemLabel ?taxonitemDescription ?rank ?rankLabel ?img ?wikispecies
    ?st pq:P405 wd:Q2418660 . 
    ?st ps:P225 ?taxon .
    ?taxonitem p:P225 ?st . 
    OPTIONAL { ?st pq:P574 ?date }
    OPTIONAL { ?taxonitem wdt:P105 ?rank }
    OPTIONAL { ?taxonitem wdt:P18 ?img }
    OPTIONAL { ?wikispecies schema:about ?taxonitem ; schema:isPartOf <> }
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Try it!

Images in Wikimedia Commons depicting items of type specimens edit

#Images in Wikimedia Commons depicting items of type specimens

SELECT ?file ?image ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?roleLabel ?de ?deLabel
with {
  select ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?de ?roleLabel ?deLabel {
   service <> {
     select ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?de ?roleLabel ?deLabel { 
       ?stype wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q51255340 
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
       optional {
         ?stype wdt:P195 ?collec .
       ?stype p:P2868 [ps:P2868 ?role ; pq:P642 ?de] .
       #remove the # below to specify one or more collections
       #values ?collec {
       # wd:Q122945 # example with the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History 
       #?de wdt:P171* wd:Q15711568 . # choose a taxon whose types are sought, including the types of its sub-taxa
} as %types
  ?file wdt:P180 ?stype ; schema:contentUrl ?url .
  bind(iri(concat("", replace(substr(str(?url),53),"_","%20"))) AS ?image) .
  #?file wdt:P180  wd:Q105607273  .
  include %types

Try it!

Stuff edit

==List of treated taxa== {{subst:User:Christian Ferrer/sandbox2|Qxxxxx}}

to check :

Thetis Expedition: {{Whitelegge, 1906}} {{Whitelegge, 1907}} {{Clark, 1909a}}{{Stebbing, 1910a}} {{Clark, 1911a}} {{Thomson & Mackinnon, 1911}} {{Coleman, 1911}} {{Ritchie, 1911}}
to upload
  • Look at last image [8], not yet uploaded
  • How to display a specific page from a PDF:

[[File:Actes de la société d'histoire naturelle de Paris - tome premier, premiere partie (IA actesdelasociete1117soci).pdf|page=175|thumb]]