Urmila Vasudev Makhija
Urmila Vasudev Makhija (1950– ), Indian lichenologist and mycologist.
IPNI standard form: Makhija
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
edit- Behera, B.C., Makhija Urmila & Bharati Adawadkar: 2000. Tissue culture of Bulbothrix setschwanensis in vitro. Curr. Sci. 78(7): 781–783. Makhija Urmila & P.G. Patwardhan 1998. The lichen genus Stirtonia. (Family Arthoniaceae) Mycotaxon 67: 287‑311.
- Makhija Urmila & P.G. Patwardhan: 1997. Development of ascocarp and cytology of ascus in Phaeographina halei Patw. & Kulk. Achievemnets and prospects in Mycology and Plant Pathology, (Festschrift Volume to honour Prof. G.S. Rawla) pp. 20‑33.
- Makhija Urmila & P.G. Patwardhan: 1995. The lichen genus Arthothelium (Family Arthoniaceae) in India. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 78: 189‑235.
- Makhija Urmila & P.G. Patwardhan: 1994. A contribution towards a monograph of the lichen genus Cryptothecia (family Arthoniaceae). Proceedings of Current Researches in Plant Scineces pp. 57–72.