Trudy po Prikladnoi Botanike i Selektsii

  • Title: Trudy po Prikladnoi Botanike i Selektsii
  • Original title: Труды по прикладной ботанике и селекции
  • Parallel title: Bulletin of Applied Botany and Selection
  • Abbreviation: Trudy Prikl. Bot. Selekts.
  • Publication: 1918–1927
  • Volume contents: 11(5/6) – 17(2) [vol. 11(1–4) not published]
  • City: Petrograd [1918–1924], Leningrad [1924–1927]
  • Country: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic [1918–1922], RSFSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [1922–1927]
  • Language: Russian
  • Preceded by: Trudy Byuro po Prikladnoi Botanike
  • Superseded by: Trudy po prikladnoi botanike, genetike i selektsii


Authority control
  • BPH: 73933