Template talk:Santos-Silva, Van Roie & Jocqué, 2021

List of treated taxa


This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Taxon Reference role Page(s) BHL Plazi image
Strangalia lunai first valid description 53-56 http://treatment.plazi.org/id/B90887C9-FFA1-A60E-F087-FE090073A31F
Lagocheirus araneiformis parvulus taxonomic treatment 42-43 http://treatment.plazi.org/id/B90887C9-FFB4-A61A-F3B2-FD570072A408
Arixiuna varians taxonomic treatment 52 http://treatment.plazi.org/id/B90887C9-FFBE-A612-F061-FCAD06E1A2C5
Heterachthes caceresae first valid description 39-42 http://treatment.plazi.org/id/B90887C9-FFB3-A618-F05B-FDEF0616A76F
Phrynidius guifarroi first valid description 48-52 http://treatment.plazi.org/id/B90887C9-FFBA-A612-F06D-FA360193A7E7
Oreodera kawasae first valid description 44-48 http://treatment.plazi.org/id/B90887C9-FFB6-A616-F078-FE4B078DA07C
End of auto-generated list.
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