Template talk:Mortensen, 1940

List of treated taxa


This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Taxon Reference role Page(s) BHL Plazi image
Ophiomaza cacaotica taxonomic treatment 68
Ophiopsammium semperi taxonomic treatment 71-73
Paracrocnida first valid description 85-86
Metalia townsendi taxonomic treatment 106-107
Brissopsis persica elevata first valid description 110
Clypeaster reticulatus taxonomic treatment 105
Luidia prionota taxonomic treatment 63-64
Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) savignyi taxonomic treatment 67
Decametra mollis taxonomic treatment 111
Ophionereis dubia taxonomic treatment 74
Pentaceraster mammillatus taxonomic treatment 66
Echinometra mathaei taxonomic treatment 103
Clypeaster humilis taxonomic treatment 105
Temnopleurus toreumaticus taxonomic treatment 100-103
Brissopsis persica first valid description 107-110
Echinocyamus elegans taxonomic treatment 103-104
Amphioplus seminudus first valid description 91-93
Astropecten polyacanthus taxonomic treatment 60-61
Amphiodia (Amphispina) microplax taxonomic treatment 90-91
Ophiactis carnea taxonomic treatment 70
Astroboa nuda taxonomic treatment 67
Ophiocoma valenciae taxonomic treatment 73-74
Ophiactis parva taxonomic treatment 70-71
Ophionephthys heptacantha first valid description 81-84
Ophiogymna elegans taxonomic treatment 68
Ophionephthys iranica first valid description 84-85
Ophiothrix hirsuta taxonomic treatment 67-68
Echinodiscus auritus taxonomic treatment 105
Astropecten phragmorus taxonomic treatment 61
Temnotrema siamense recombination 103
Luidia maculata taxonomic treatment 63
Asterina cepheus var. iranica first valid description 65-66
Ophiothela danae taxonomic treatment 68
Astropecten indicus taxonomic treatment 61-63
Amphiura (Amphiura) velox taxonomic treatment 74-75
Ophiopeza fallax taxonomic treatment 100
Ophiocoma scolopendrina taxonomic treatment 73
Lamprometra klunzingeri taxonomic treatment 111
Stellaster equestris taxonomic treatment 66-67
Amphiodia (Amphispina) obtecta first valid description 88-90
Amphiura crispa first valid description 77-79
Clypeaster rarispinus taxonomic treatment 104-105
Ophiactis savignyi taxonomic treatment 70
Paracrocnida persica first valid description 86-88
Heterometra savignii taxonomic treatment 110-111
Astropecten pugnax taxonomic treatment 63
Amphioplus echinulatus first valid description 97-98
Ophiura kinbergi taxonomic treatment 98-100
Amphioplus (Lymanella) laevis taxonomic treatment 93-95
Amphioplus (Lymanella) hastatus taxonomic treatment 95-97
Amphiura fasciata first valid description 76-77
Ophionema hexactis first valid description 79-81
End of auto-generated list.
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