Template:Wagner, 1994


  • The following new taxa of Psychodidae are recorded from Russian Far East, the Kurile Islands and Sakhhalin: Bazarella wostocka spec. nov., B. insularis spec. nov., Satchelliella ussurica spec. nov., Clytocerus orientalis spec. nov., Thornburghiella sidorenkoi spec. nov., T. platystyla spec. nov., T. withersi spec. nov., T. nilssoni spec. nov., Threticus insularis spec. nov., Philosepedon sakhalinus spec. nov., P. primoryanus spec. nov. Furthermore, Pericoma rivularis (Berdén) (= Pericoma bavarica Wagner syn. nov.), Neoarisemus spinitibialis Tokunaga et Komyo, Brunettia spec., Psychoda biretinaculata Wagner, Tinearia alternata (Say), Tinearia lativentris Berdén and seven unrecognized females of Psychoda were found. The almost complete faunistic similarity of Russian Far East Asian Psychodidae with those of the west Palaearctic (European) area at least on generic level was remarkable. There seem to be only few affinities to the Japanese and western Nearctic fauna.