Template:Toyama et al., 2013
- Toyama, H., Tagane, S., Chhang, P., Kajisa, T., Ichihashi, R., Vanna Samreth, Vuthy Ma, Heng Sokh, Katayama, A., Itadani, H., Tateishi, M., Tachiki, Y., Mase, K., Onoda, Y., Mizoue, N., Tachida, H. & Yahara, T. 2013. Inventory of the Woody Flora in Permanent Plots of Kampong Thom and Kampong Chhnang Provinces, Cambodia. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 64(2): 45–105. DOI: 10.18942/apg.KJ00008877422