Template:Flora of Iraq 4(2)
- Townsend, C.C. & Guest, E.R. (eds.) 1980. Flora of Iraq. Volume Four, Part Two. Bignoniaceae to Resedaceae. pp. 628–1199. Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian Reform, Baghdad.
editThe template can optionally be used for separate contributions of different authorship within this publication. In this case use as {{Flora of Iraq 4(2)|1|2|3}}
- Parameters:
- the first one: author(s) of contribution.
- the second one: title of contribution.
- the third one: page or range of pages of this contribution.
So for example, {{Flora of Iraq 4(2)|{{Hedge}} & {{Lamond}}|Cruciferae (Arabideae)|997–1014}}
will produce the following reference:
- Hedge, I.C. & Lamond, J.M. 1980. Cruciferae (Arabideae). Pp. 997–1014 in Townsend, C.C. & Guest, E.R. (eds.), Flora of Iraq. Volume Four, Part Two. Bignoniaceae to Resedaceae. pp. 628–1199. Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian Reform, Baghdad. Reference page.
edit{{Flora of Iraq 4(2)|{{C.C.Towns.}}|Ranunculaceae [except ''Anemone'']|705–751, 755–758}}
{{Flora of Iraq 4(2)|{{J.Cullen}}|Papaveraceae|784–815}}
{{Flora of Iraq 4(2)|{{Hedge}} & {{Lamond}}|Cruciferae (Arabideae)|997–1014}}