Template:Bot approval templates

Administration Templates
Bot Templates Output Comments
{{BotTrial}} Approved for trial.
{{BotTrial|edits=50}} Approved for trial (50 edits). This is for a trial for a certain number of edits (this option may be combined with others)
{{BotTrial|days=7}} Approved for trial (7 days). This is for a trial for a certain number of days (this option may be combined with others)
{{BotTrial|userspace=yes}} Approved for trialUserspace only. This is a userspace only trial (this option may be combined with others)
{{BotTrial|edits=50|days=5|userspace=yes}}  Approved for trial (50 edits or 5 days)Userspace only. This is a trial showing all the options
{{BotSpeedy}} Speedily Approved.
{{BotApproved}} Approved.
{{BotDenied}} Denied.
{{BotWithdrawn}} Withdrawn by operator.
{{BotExpired}} Request Expired.
{{BotStatus}} Status Unknown.
{{OperatorAssistanceNeeded}} A user has requested the attention of the operator. Once the user has seen this message and replied, please remove this tag. This will result in the bot sending a message to the operator.