
  • New Zealand
    • Biostatus: adventive?
    • Species (4): P. laevigatum – P. punctatum – P. pusillum
      + 1 sp.
    • NOTES: Emberson (1998: 32) reported Ptenidium sp. 1 as a new record from the Chatham Islands, with the comment 'not previously reported from New Zealand (Johnson in litt.)'. The species was not indicated to be endemic to the Chatham Islands (or to New Zealand), nor was it explicitly indicated to be a new (undescribed) species. All these things were left open. Maddison in Macfarlane et al. (2010: 413) listed the 3 nominal species above plus 1 other, cited as Ptenidium n. sp. E Ch, indicating a new species endemic to the Chatham Islands, but this seems likely to be a misinterpretation of Emberson (1998: 32)


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