Talk:José Guadalupe Palacios-Vargas

His field of work is taxonomy of microarthropods, mainly mites and springtails. Cave fauna and ultramorphology of arachnids and the canopy insects ecology. A total 261 taxa, including one new mites family, 16 genera of collembola and mites, one subgenus and 250 new species for science has been described by him.

Dr. Palacios has published 187 scientific articles; 5 in press; as well as several summaries of congresses and 104 articles of diffusion of science; four books, 20 chapters of books. He has presented more than 60 communications in 29 congresses and symposia, 20 of them international.

In addition to being precursor member of an Association dedicated to the study of the caves of Mexico, the Union Mexicana de Agrupaciones Espeleológicas, for whom he is the editor of its magazine: Mundos Subterráneos.

He participated with the House of Representatives, for the modification of the General Law of Ecology and Protection of the Atmosphere and in 1998 managed to include the cave environment.

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