Talk:Exeirarthra parviceps


  • New Zealand [Endemic]


  • According to the original description, E. parviceps was based on a unique holotype male from 'Mount Hope, near Nelson', collected by T. Hall on '14th February, 1914.' It was compared with E. angustula (3824). According to the original description, E. angustula was based on an unstated number of specimens (including at least one male) from 'Glenhope, near Nelson', collected by T. Hall 'on or before the 10th December, 1914.' Based on the above data, Park & Carlton, 2011 could not locate the holotype of E. parviceps. They did however examine a specimen of E. parviceps with the following data: '1♂, Mount Hope, 3824, 14 II 1915, T. Hall. Deposited FMNH.' This data agrees well with the expected data for the holotype, except only that the year is 1915 instead of 1914, the "Broun number" is 3824 (=E. angustula), and deposition in the Chicago Field Museum (FMNH) is surprising. In the absence of a better candidate, this specimen probably is the holotype of E. parviceps. It was probably initially misidentified by Broun as E. angustula (3824), and the year of collection misquoted in either the original description and/or on the specimen label.
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