Tadashi Suzuki
Tadashi Suzuki (鈴木直, ? – 2019-09-10), Japanese bryologist.
IPNI standard form: Tad.Suzuki
Address (2019): The Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Shimada Branch, Takasago-cho, Shimada-shi, Shizuoka-ken, Japan
Taxon names authored
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- Iwatsuki, Z., Frahm, J.-P., Suzuki, T. & Takaki, N. 2002. Gemmiferous species of Campylopus in Japan. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 92: 175–180. DOI: 10.18968/jhbl.92.0_175 . Reference page.
- Suzuki, T. & Iwatsuki, Z. 2003. Notes on Japanese Seligeria (Seligeriaceae, Musci). The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 94: 107–113. DOI: 10.18968/jhbl.94.0_107 . Reference page.
- Iwatsuki, Z., Suzuki, T. & Kiguchi, H. 2004. Brachydontium olympicum, a moss misunderstood by Japanese bryologists. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 95: 199–205. DOI: 10.18968/jhbl.95.0_199 . Reference page.
- Suzuki, T., Iwatsuki, Z. & Kiguchi, H. 2006. The family Seligeriaceae (Bryopsida) in Japan. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 100: 469–493. DOI: 10.18968/jhbl.100.0_469 . Reference page.
- Iwatsuki, Z., Kiguchi, H. & Suzuki, T. 2010. Notes on the genus Miyabea Broth. (Leskeaceae, Bryopsida) in Japan. Hattoria 1: 1–5. DOI: 10.18968/hattoria.1.0_1 . Reference page.
- Suzuki, T. 2016. A Revised New Catalog of the Mosses of Japan. Hattoria 7: 9–223. DOI: 10.18968/hattoria.7.0_9 . Reference page.