Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum

  • Title: Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum
  • Abbreviated: Syn. Pl. Glumac.
  • Author: Ernst Gottlieb von Steudel
  • Publication: vol. 1, 1853-1854; vol. 2, 1854-1855
  • Publisher: J.B. Metzler
  • City: Stuttgart



2 vols., 10 fascicles 1853-1855; 1(1): 1–80. 10-12¹Dec 1853; 1(2): 81–160. 2-3 Mar 1854; 1(3): 161–340.¹12-13 Apr 1854; 1(4-5): 341–400. 20-21 Jul 1854;¹1(6): 401–475. 28-29 Nov 1854; 2(7): 1–80. 28-29 Nov¹1854; 2(8-9): 81–240. 10-11 Apr 1855; 2(10):¹241-348. 11-12 Sep 1855.



Vol. 1 (Gramineae): alt. title, Synopsis Plantarum Graminearum. Vol. 2 (Cyperaceae et al.): alt. title, Synopsis Plantarum Cyperacearum et Affinium... Steudel (vol. 1, preface vii, last paragraph) mentioned that Nees handed over (tradidit) his manuscript "Supplementum Graminearum" for insertion in the present work (operi huic inserendum). Accordingly, Nees is accepted as author of the grass names ascribed to him (excluding the manuscript names altered in this work).


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