Sigeru Moriuti
Sigeru Moriuti (森内 茂, 7.III.1933 - 23.IX.2001), Japanese entomologist (Lepidoptera).
- The Moriuti collection is in Osaka Pref. University OPU
Taxon names authored
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edit- Moriuti, S. 1958. A new Spilonota (Eucosmidae) from Japan. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 9(4): 51–53. Abstract and full article (PDF) Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. 1961. Japanese species of Saridoscelis Meyrick. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 11(4): 64-69. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. 1963. Studies on the Yponomeutoidea (VI). Genus Lycophantis Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea). Kontyû 31(4): 261–256. Abstract and full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Moriuti, S. 1963a. Studies on the Yponomeutoidea (II) two Yponomeutid genera, Niphonympha and Pseudocalantica, of Japan and Formosa (Lepidoptera) Kontyû 31(3): 215–223. Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. 1964. Studies on the Yponomeutoidea (VIII) Ypsolophus (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) of Japan. Kontyû 32(2): 197-210. Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. 1965. Studies on the Yponomeutidae (XI). Two new species of the Pseudocalantica Friese (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae ) from. Nepal. Kontyû 33(1): 7–10. Abstract and full article (PDF). Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. 1969. Argyresthiidae of Japan. Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, series B 21: 1–50. DOI: 10.24729/00009473 Reference page. .
edit- Moriuti, S. 1971. Two new genera and a new species of the Indian Yponomeutidae (Lepidoptera). Kontyû 39(3): 251–255. Abstract and full article (PDF). Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. 1972. Two new economically important species of Microlepidoptera infesting larch in Japan (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae and Tortricidae). Kontyû 40(4): 254–262. Abstract and full article (PDF). Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. 1973. A new genus and two new species of the Japanese Microlepidoptera (Timyridae and Oecophoridae). Tyô to Ga 23(2): 31–38. PDF Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. 1974: A new Formosan argyresthiid: Lepidoptera. Tyô to Ga 25(4): 113–114. Abstract and full article (PDF)Reference page.
- Moriuti, S. 1974a. A new species of the genus Anthonympha Moriuti from Formosa, with notes on the redefinition of the genus (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae). Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 25(4): 109–110. Abstract and full article (PDF) Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S., 1977: Fauna Japonica, Yponomeutidae s. lat. (Insecta:Lepidoptera). Keigaku Publishing Company, Tokyo: 1–327. Reference page.
edit- Inoue, H. & Sugi, S., Kuroko, H., Moriuti, S. & Kawabe, A. 1982. 日本産蛾類大図鑑 [= Moths of Japan]. Volume 1. Text: 1–966. Reference page.
- Inoue, H. & Sugi, S., Kuroko, H., Mroiuti, S. & Kawabe, A. 1982a. Moths of Japan. Volume 2. Plates and synonymic catalogue: 1–552. Reference page.
- Moriuti, S. 1982. A New and an Unrecorded Species of Thecobathra MEYRICK (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) from Thailand. Tyô to Ga 33(1-2): 61-64. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Moriuti, S. 1982a. A Redescription of Callithrinca MEYRICK (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae),with a New Species from Thailand. Tyô to Ga 33(1-2): 65-69. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S., 1985: A new and an unrecorded species of Casmara Walker (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from Thailand. Tinea, 12(2): 11–16. Reference page.
- Moriuti, S., Saito, T. & Lewvanich, A. 1985. Thai Species of Periacma Meyrick and Its Allied Two New Genera (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture. Series B, Agriculture and biology 37: 19–50. Abstract and full article. Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S., Saito, T. & Lewvanich, A. 1987. New species of Periacma and Ripeacma from Thailand, with notes on others (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Microlepidoptera of Thailand 1: 103–113. Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S., Saito, T. & Lewvanich, A. 1989. Thai species of the oecophorine genera Periacma, Irepacma and Ripeacma (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Microlepidoptera of Thailand 2: 113–152. Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. 1993. Copromorpha pleurophanes Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Copromorphidae), a copromorphid moth new to the fauna of Thailand. Tinea 13(27): 273–278. Reference page.
edit- Moriuti, S. & Kadohara, T. 1994. Erechthiinae (Lepidoptera, Tineidae) of Japan. Japanese Journal of Entomology 62(3): 565–584. Online. Reference page.
edit- Ueda, T. & Moriuti 1996. Three new species of the genus Periacma from Nepal (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture (B) 48: 19-24. Reference page.