Rolla Milton Tryon
Rolla Milton Tryon (1916–2001), United States botanist, husband of Alice Faber Tryon.
IPNI standard form: R.M.Tryon
Taxon names authored
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- Tryon, R.M. 1942. A revision of the genus Doryopteris. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 143: 1–80. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. 1946. A New Doryopteris Hybrid. American Fern Journal 36(2): 48–49. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Kramer, K.U. & Tryon, R.M. 1955. A new species of Doryopteris from Surinam. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 42(3): 213–214, t. 30. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. 1956. A revision of the American species of Notholaena. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 179: 1–106. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. 1957. Adiantum in Peru: New Species and Combinations. American Journal of Botany 47(4): 139–143. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. 1960. New species of ferns from Central and South America. Rhodora 62(733): 1–10. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. 1961. Taxonomic Fern Notes. I. Rhodora 63(747): 70–88. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. 1962. Taxonomic Fern Notes. II. Pityrogramma (including Trismeria) and Anogramma. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 189: 52–76. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. 1964. The ferns of Peru. Polypodiaceae (Dennstaedtieae to Oleandreae). Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 194: 1–253. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. 1970. The classification of the Cyatheaceae. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 200: 3–53. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. & Tryon, A.F. 1981. Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Notes on Ferns. Rhodora 83(833): 133–137. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. 1986. Some New Names and Combinations in Pteridaceae. American Fern Journal 76(4): 184–186. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. & Stolze, R.G. 1989. Pteridophyta of Peru. Part I: 1. Ophioglossaceae – 12. Cytheaceae. Fieldiana: Botany, new ser., 20: i–iii, 1–145. BHL Reference page.
- Tryon, R.M. & Stolze, R.G. 1989. Pteridophyta of Peru. Part II: 13. Pteridaceae – 15. Dennstaedtiaceae. Fieldiana: Botany, new ser., 22: I–III, 1–128. BHL Reference page.