Reinhard Schnetter
Reinhard Schnetter (born 1936), phycologist.
IPNI standard form: Schnetter
Taxon names authored
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- Schnetter, R. 1972. Nuevas algas bénthicas del littoral Caribe de Colombia. Mutisia 36: 12–16, 9 figs. Reference page.
- Schnetter, R. & Richter, U. 1979. Systematische Stellung und Vorkommen einer Corallinoidee (Corallinaceae, Cryptonemiales, Rhodophyceae) aus der Karibischen See: Corallina panizzoi nom. nov. et stat. nov. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 92: 455–466. Reference page.
- Schnetter, R., Richter, U., Schesmer, A. & Bula-Meyer, G. 1983. Licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an Grateloupiocolax colombiana gen. et spec. nov. (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyceae). Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 58: 77–94. Reference page.
- Schnetter, R., Hörnig, I. & Weber-Peukert, G. 1987. Taxonomy of some North Atlantic Dictyota species (Phaeophyta). Proceedings of the International Seaweed Symposium 12: 193–197. Reference page.
- Hörnig, I. & Schnetter, R. 1988. Notes on Dictyota dichotoma, D. menstrualis, D. indica and D. pulchella spec. nova (Phaeophyta). Phyton (Horn) 28: 277–291. PDF Reference page.
- Calderón-Sáenz, E. & Schnetter, R. 1989. Life cycle and morphology of Bryopsidella ostreobiformis spec. nov. (Bryopsidaceae, Chlorophyta) from the Mediterranean, under culture conditions, with comments on the phylogeny of the Bryopsis/Derbesia complex. Botanica Acta 102: 249–260. Reference page.
- Calderón-Sáenz, E. & Schnetter, R. 1989. The life histories of Boodleopsis vaucherioidea sp. nov. & B. pusilla (Caulerpales) and their phylogenetic implications. Phycologia 28(4): 476–490. Reference page.
- Calderón, E. & Schnetter, R. 1991. Pseudoderbesia, nuevo género de algas marinas (Bryopsidaceae, Chlorohyta). Caldasia 16(78): 285–294. JSTOR PDF Reference page.
- Hörnig, I., Schnetter, R., Prud'homme van Reine, W.F., Coppejans, E., Achenbach-Wege, K. & Over, J.M. 1992. The genus Dictyota (Phaeophyceae) in the North Atlantic. I. A new generic concept and new species. Nova Hedwigia 54: 45–62, 6 figs, 3 tables. Reference page.
- Hörnig, I., Schnetter, R. & Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. 1993. Additional note to "The genus Dictyota (Phaeophyceae) in the North Atlantic. I. A new generic concept and new species." Correction and validation of new combinations in the genus Dictyota. Nova Hedwigia 56: 169–171. Reference page.
- Henne, K.-D. & Schnetter, R. 1999. Revision of the Pseudobryopsis/Trichosolen complex (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) based on features of gametangial behaviour and chloroplasts. Phycologia 38(2): 114–127. DOI: 10.2216/i0031-8884-38-2-114.1 Reference page.