Ray Smith Bassler
Ray Smith Bassler (1878–1961), U.S. geologist, paleontologist and ostracodologist.

Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
edit- Nickles J.M. & Bassler R.S., 1900. A synopsis of American fossil Bryozoa, including bibliography and synonymy. Govt. Print. Off., 663 pages (Google books). Reference page.
edit- Bassler, R.S. 1906. A study of the James types of Ordovician and Silurian Bryozoa. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 30: 1–66.
- Bassler, R.S. 1906. The bryozoan fauna of the Rochester shale [Silurian]. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey 292: 1–137.
edit- Bassler, R.S. 1909. The Cement Resources of Virginia, West of the Blue Ridge. Virginia Geological Survey Bulletin 2(A): i–xii, 1–309, 30 plates. Reference page.
edit- Bassler, R.S. 1911. Bryozoa [Middle Devonian, Wisconsin]. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey 21: 49–67
- Bassler, R.S. 1911. The early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic provinces. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 77: 1–382
edit- Bassler, R.S. 1915. Bibliographic Index of American Ordovician and Silurian Fossils. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 92(1): 1–718. BHL Reference page.
- Bassler, R.S. 1915. Bibliographic Index of American Ordovician and Silurian Fossils. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 92(2): 719–1521. BHL Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1917. A synopsis of American early tertiary cheilostome Bryozoa . Bulletin - United States National Museum 96: 1–87. BHL Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1919. Fossil Bryozoa from the West Indies. Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington 291: 73–102, pl. 1–7. Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1920. North American early Tertiary Bryozoa. Bulletin - United States National Museum 106: 1–162, fig. 1–279. Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1922. Studies on the cyclostomatous Bryozoa. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 61: 1–160, pl. 1–28, fig. 1–40. Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1923. North American later Tertiary and Quaternary Bryozoa. Bulletin - United States National Museum 125: 1–302, pl. 1–47, fig. 1–38. Reference page.
- Ulrich E.O. & Bassler R.S., 1923. Paleozoic Ostracoda: their morphology, classification, and occurrence. Maryland Geological Survey, Silurian.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1925. Contribution à l'étude des Bryozoaires d'Autriche et de Hongrie. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France.
- Bassler, R.S. 1925. Classification and stratigraphic use of the conodonts. Geological Society of America, Bulletin.
- Bassler, R.S. 1925. Geological fieldwork in Tennessee. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection.
- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1925. Les bryozoaires du Maroc et de Mauritanie. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 10: 1–80, pl. 1–9. Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1926. Studies on the cyclostomatous Bryozoa. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 67: 1–124, pl. 1–31, fig. 1–46. Reference page.
edit- Bassler, R.S. 1927. Bryozoa [Silurian, Anticosti]. Memoir - Geological Survey of Canada 154: 143–168
- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1927. Classification of the cheilostomatous Bryozoa. Proceedings of the United States National …
- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1927. Bryozoaires des Iles Hawaii. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences de Seine-et-Oise 8: 1–32, pl. 1–5. Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1928. Bryozoaires du Bresil. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences de Seine-et-Oise 9: 58–100, pl. 1–9. Reference page.
- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1928. Bryozoaires des Iles Hawaii. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences de Seine-et-Oise 8: 33–56, pl. 6–11. Reference page.
- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1928. Les bryozoaires du Maroc et de Mauritanie. 2ème Mémoire. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 11: 1–85, pl. 1–12. Reference page.
edit- Bassler R.S., 1929. The Permian Bryozoa of Timor. Palaeontologie von Timor, XVI Lieferung. Reference page.
- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1929. Bryozoa of the Philippine region. Bulletin - United States National Museum 100, 9: 1–685, pl. 1–94, fig. 1–224. Reference page.
- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1929. Bryozoaires Eocenes de la Belgique. Bulletin du Musée royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique 39: 1–69, pl. 1–5, fig. 1–2. Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1930. The bryozoan fauna of the Galapagos Islands. Proceedings of the United States National …
- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1930. Bryozoaires marins de Tunisie. Annales Station Oceanographique de Salammbô, 5: 1–91, pl. 1–13. Reference page.
- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1930. Bryozoaires marins de Tunisie. Annales Station Oceanographique de Salammbô, 5: 1–91, pl. 1–13. Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1931. Bryozoaires Oligocenes de la Belgique. Bulletin du Musée royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique 50: 1–27, pl. 1–4. Reference page.
edit- Canu, F. & Bassler, R.S. 1933. The bryozoan fauna of the Vincentown limesand. Bulletin - United States National Museum 165: 1–108, pl. 1–21, fig. 1. Reference page.
edit- Bassler, R.S. 1936. New species of American Edrioasteroidea (with seven plates). Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections.
- Bassler, R.S. 1936. Nomenclatorial notes on fossil and recent Bryozoa. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences.
edit- Bassler, R.S. 1939. The Hederelloidea, a suborder of Paleozoic cyclostomatous Bryozoa. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 87(3068): 25–91
edit- Bassler, R.S. 1941. Generic descriptions of upper Paleozoic Bryozoa. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 31: 173–179
edit- Bassler R.S. and Moodey M.W., 1943. Bibliographic and Faunal Index of Paleozoic Pelmatozoan Echinoderms. Geological Society of America, 734 pages (Google books).
edit- Bassler, R.S. 1950. Faunal lists and descriptions of Paleozoic corals.