Qi-Bin Lin
Qi-Bin Lin (1935–2022), Chinese palaeoentomologist.
中文: 林启彬
- Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Academia Sinica.
Taxon names authored
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edit- Lin, Q-B. 1976. 辽西侏罗系的昆虫化石 [The Jurassic fossil insects from western Liaoning]. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 15(1): 97–116, 2 pls. Online. [in Chinese, English summary].
edit- Lin, Q.B. 1977. Fossil insects from Yunnan. pp. 373–382. In: Yunnan Zhongsheng dai huashi. [Mesozoic Fossils from Yunnan] Fasc. 2. [Acad. Sinica, Nanking Inst. Geol. Palaeont.]. Science Press, Beijing. Reference page.
edit- Lin, Q.B. 1980. 浙皖中生代昆虫化石 [Mesozoic Insects from Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces, China.] Pp. 211–234. In: 浙闽赣地区白垩纪火山沉积地层及介形类动物群 [Division and Correlations on the Mesozoic Volcano Sedimentary Formation in the Provinces Zhejiang and Anhui, China.]. Science Press, Peking. (in Chinese).
edit- Lin, Q.B. 1983. Two beetle fossils from the Sanqiutian Formation (Upper Triassic) in Liuyang County of Hunan Province. Bulletin of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica 6: 297–307.
edit- Lin, Q.-B. 1985. 安徽含山含山组昆虫化石 [Insect fossils from the Hanshan Formation at Hanshan County, Anhui Province]. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 24(3): 300–311. [In Chinese, English summary]. Online.
edit- Lin, Q.B. 1986. Early Mesozoic fossil insects from South China. Palaeontologia Sinica, Series B 170: 1–112. Reference page.
edit- Lukashevich, E.D., Huang, D.-Y. & Lin, Q.-B. 2006. Rare families of lower Diptera (Hennigmatidae, Blephariceridae, Perissommatidae) from the Jurassic of China. Studia dipterologica 13: 127–143.
- Zhang, B.-L., Fleck, G., Huang, D.-Y., Nel, A., Ren, D., Cheng, X.-D. & Lin, Q.-B. 2006. New isophlebioid dragonflies (Odonata: Isophlebioptera: Campterophlebiidae) from the Middle Jurassic of China. Zootaxa 1339: 51–68. Abstract & excerpt Reference page.
edit- Huang, D., Zhang, H. & Cai, C. 2020. Professor Qi-Bin Lin and palaeoentomology of China. Palaeoentomology 3(1): 2–5. DOI: 10.11646/palaeoentomology.3.1.1 .