Pornsilp Pholpunthin
Pornsilp Pholpunthin (fl. 2017), Thai planktonologist.
- D.Agr. (Fisheries) University of Tokyo, Japan.
- M.Sc. (Marine Science) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- B.Sc. (Biology) RamKhamHaeng University, Thailand.
- Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla, 90112 Telephone: +66-074 -288494 Facimile: +66-074-212917 E-mail:
Taxon names authored
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- 3 taxon names authored by Pornsilp Pholpunthin
- Cephalodella songkhlaensis Segers & Pholpunthin, 1997
- Lecane kunthuleensis Chittapun, Pholpunthin & Segers, 2003
- Colurella sanoamuangae Chittapun, Pholpunthin & Segers, 2001
- Trichocerca siamensis Segers & Pholpunthin, 1997
- Keratella taksinensis Chittapun, Pholpunthin & Segers, 2002
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edit- Meksuwan, P., Pholpunthin, P. & Segers, H. 2013. The Collothecidae (Rotifera, Collothecacea) of Thailand, with the description of a new species and an illustrated key to the Southeast Asian fauna. ZooKeys 315: 1–16. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.315.5330 Reference page.
- Wongkamhaeng, K., Coleman, C.O. & Pholpunthin, P. 2013. Maeropsis paphavasitae and Rotomelita longipropoda, two new species (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Lower Gulf of Thailand. ZooKeys 307: 15-33. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.307.5273 Reference page.
edit- Rodcharoen, E., Bruce, N.L. & Pholpunthin, P. 2017. Cirolana phuketensis, a new species of marine isopod (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cirolanidae) from the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand. ZooKeys 695: 1—17. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.695.13771. Reference page.