Carl Emil Hansen Ostenfeld
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Carl Emil Hansen Ostenfeld (1873–1931), Danish botanist.

IPNI standard form: Ostenf.
Taxon names authored
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- Ostenfeld, C.H. 1900 '1899'. Plankton. In: Iagttagelsen over overfladevandets temperatur, saltholdighed og plankton paa islandske og grønlandske skibsrouter i 1899. (Knudsen, M. & Ostenfeld, C. Eds), pp. 45–93. Copenhagen: Bianco Lunos Kgl. Hof-Bogtrykkeri. Reference page.
- Ostenfeld, C.H. 1902. Phytoplankton fra det Kaspiske Hav (Phytoplankton from the Caspian Sea.). Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening 1901: 129–139. BHL Reference page.
- Ostenfeld, C.H. & Schmidt, J. 1902. Plankton fra det Røde Hav og Adenbugten (Plankton from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.). Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening 1901: 141–182. BHL Reference page.
- Ostenfeld, C.H. 1903. Phytoplankton from the sea around the Færöes. In: Botany of the Faeröes based upon Danish investigations. Part II. Illustrated with 2 plates (XI and XII), and 100 figures in the text. (Warming, E. Eds), pp. 558–612. Copenhagen: Det Nordisk Forlag Ernst Bojesen. BHL Reference page.
- Ostenfeld, C.E. (ed.) 1907. Lieutenant Olufsen's second Pamir-Expedition. Plants collected in Asia-Media and Persia by Ove Paulsen. VI. Cyperaceae. Botanisk Tidsskrift 28(2): 219–232. BHL Reference page.