Orobanche alsatica

Orobanche alsatica
Orobanche alsatica


Taxonavigation: Lamiales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Asterids
Cladus: Lamiids
Ordo: Lamiales

Familia: Orobanchaceae
Tribus: Orobancheae
Genus: Orobanche
Species: Orobanche alsatica



Orobanche alsatica Kirschl., (1836)


  • Homotypic
    • Orobanche minor subsp. alsatica (Kirschl.) Nyman in Consp. Fl. Eur.: 562 (1881)
  • Heterotypic
    • Orobanche alsatica subsp. alsatica in
    • Orobanche apiculata Griseb. in Spic. Fl. Rumel. 2: 58 (1844), nom. illeg.
    • Orobanche banatica Nyman in Consp. Fl. Eur.: 559 (1881)
    • Orobanche brachysepala F.W.Schultz in Arch. Fl. France Allemagne: 69 (1844)
    • Orobanche cervariae Kirschl. ex Suard in D.A.Godron, Fl. Lorraine 2: 180 (1843)
    • Orobanche cervariae var. macrosepala (F.W.Schultz) Rouy in G.Rouy & J.Foucaud, Fl. France 11: 178 (1909)
    • Orobanche cervariae var. seseli Petitm. in Monde Pl. 6: 48 (1904)
    • Orobanche cervarihaerens St.-Lag. in Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon 7: 131 (1880)
    • Orobanche electra D.Dietr. in Syn. Plant. 3: 624 (1842)
    • Orobanche leucantha Rchb.f. in H.G.L.Reichenbach, Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 20: 97 (1862), nom. illeg.
    • Orobanche macrosepala F.W.Schultz in Arch. Fl. France Allemagne: 70 (1844)
    • Orobanche peucedanophya St.-Lag. in A.Cariot, Étude Fl., éd. 8, 2: 652 (1889)
    • Orobanche strumosa Rogow. ex Trautv. in Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 9: 83 (1884), nom. nud.


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Asia-temperate
    • Regional: Central Asia
      • Altay, Irkutsk, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Krasnoyarsk, Ukraine
    • Regional: Siberia
      • West Siberia
    • Regional: China
      • China South-Central
    • Regional: Caucasus
      • North Caucasus, Transcaucasus
  • Continental: Europe
    • Regional: Central Europe
      • Austria, Belarus, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Switzerland
    • Regional: Northern Europe
      • Baltic States, Northwest European Russia
    • Regional: Southeastern Europe
      • Bulgaria, Italy, Krym, Romania, South European Russia, Yugoslavia
    • Regional: Eastern Europe
      • Central European Russia, East European Russia
    • Regional: Southwestern Europe
      • France, Spain

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references


Additional references

  • Mirek, Z., Piękoś-Mirkowa, H., Zając, A. & Zając, M (2020). Vascular plants of Poland an annotated checklist: 1-526. W. Szafer institute of botany, Polish academy of sciences, Krakow, Poland.

Vernacular names


беларуская: Заразіха эльзаская
čeština: Záraza alsaská
Deutsch: Elsässer Sommerwurz
hornjoserbsce: Dobrjenkowa hubinka
polski: Zaraza alzacka
slovenščina: Alzaški pojalnik
中文: 多色列当
中文(简体): 多色列当

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