Olive Swezy
Olive Swezy (1 November 1878 – 1 December 1963), American zoologist, and phycologist.

Scripps Institute and University of California
IPNI standard form: Swezy
Taxon names authored
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- Swezy, O. 1915. On a new trichomonad flagellate, Trichomitus parvus, from the intestine of amphibians. University of California Publications in Zoology 16(7): 89–94. BHL Reference page.
- Kofoid, C.A. & Swezy, O. 1919. Studies on the parasites of the Termites. I. On Streblomastix strix, a polymastigote flagellate with a linear plasmodial phase. University of California Publications in Zoology 20(1): 1–20. BHL Reference page.
- Kofoid, C.A. & Swezy, O. 1920. The flagellate infections of the human digestive tract. In: Nelson Leaf-Loose Medicine. A perpetual system of living medicine. New York-Edinburgh-London-Paris-Toronto: Thomas Nelson & Sons. Vol. 5: 365–398. Google Books Reference page.
- Kofoid, C.A. & Swezy, O. 1921. The free-living unarmored Dinoflagellata. Memoirs of the University of California 5: i–viii, 1–562. BHL Reference page.
- Kofoid, C.A. & Swezy, O. 1926. On Proboscidiella multinucleata gen. nov., sp. nov., from Planocryptotermes nocens from the Philippine Islands, a multinucleate flagellate with a remarkable organ of attachment. University of California Publications in Zoology 28: 301–316. Reference page.