Oakes Ames
Oakes Ames (1874–1950), U.S. botanist, specialized on orchids.
IPNI standard form: Ames
Taxon names authored
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Obituary and Bibliography
edit- Sax, K. 1950. Oakes Ames, 1874–1950. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 31(4): 335–349 (with bibliography). JSTOR BHL Reference page.
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edit- Ames, O. 1903. Natural hybrids in Spiranthes and Habenaria. Rhodora 5(59): 261–264. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1904. A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Orchid Flora of Southern Florida. (Contributions from the Ames Botanical Laboratory 1). 24 pp., 12 pl. Cambridge, MA: E.W. Wheeler. Google Books (USA) Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1905. Contributions toward a monograph of the American species of Spiranthes. Pp. 113–156 in Ames (ed.), Orchidaceae: illustrations and studies of the family Orchidaceae. Fascicle I. viii + 156 pp., Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1907. Orchidacese Halconenses: An Enumeration of the Orchids Collected on or near Mount Halcon, Mindoro, chiefly by Elmer D. Merrill. Philippine Journal of Science C, Botany 2(4): 311–337. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1908. Studies in the Orchid Flora of the Philippines. Pp. 17–257 in Ames (ed.), Orchidaceae: illustrations and studies of the family Orchidaceae. Fascicle II. x + 288 pp., Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1908. New Species and Names of American Orchidaceae. Pp. 258–273 in Ames (ed.), Orchidaceae: illustrations and studies of the family Orchidaceae. Fascicle II. x + 288 pp., Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1909 [publ. 1910]. Notes on Philippine orchids with descriptions of new species, II. Philippine Journal of Science C, Botany 4(6): 663–676. BHL Reference page.
edit- Ames, O. 1911. Notes on Philippine orchids with descriptions of new species, III. Philippine Journal of Science C, Botany 6(1): 35–56. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1912. Notes on Philippine orchids with descriptions of new species, IV. Philippine Journal of Science C, Botany 7(1): 1–27. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1912. Notes on Philippine orchids with descriptions of new species, V. The genus Bulbophyllum in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Science C, Botany 7(3): 125–143. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1912. Orchidaceae novae et criticae insularum Philippinarum. Leaflets of Philippine Botany 5: 1549–1588. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1913 [publ. 1914]. Notes on Philippine Orchids with Descriptions of New Species, VI. Philippine Journal of Science C, Botany 8(6): 407–441. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1915. Genera and Species of Philippine Orchids. Pp. 9–258 in Ames (ed.), Orchidaceae: illustrations and studies of the family Orchidaceae. Fascicle V. xiv + 271 pp., Boston: Merrymount. BHL. Reference page.
edit- Ames, O. & Schweinfurth, C. 1920. The Orchids of Mount Kinabalu. British North Bornea. Based chiefly on the collections of Chaplain Joseph Clemens. Pp 3–272 in: Ames (ed.), Orchidaceae: illustrations and studies of the family Orchidaceae. Fascicle VI. x + 288 pp., Boston: Merrymount. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1920. Notes on Philippine Orchids. Pp. 273–318 in: Ames (ed.), Orchidaceae: illustrations and studies of the family Orchidaceae. Fascicle VI. x + 288 pp., Boston: Merrymount. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1922. New or Noteworthy Orchids from Different Parts of the World. Pp. 83–140 in: Ames (ed.), Orchidaceae: illustrations and studies of the family Orchidaceae. Fascicle VII. ix + 174 pp., Boston: Merrymount. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1923. Additions to the orchid flora of Central America with observations on noteworthy species. Schedulae Orchidianae 4: 1–60. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1923. New or Noteworthy Orchids. Schedulae Orchidianae 6: 1–99. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1924. An Enumeration of the Orchids of the United States and Canada. viii, 120 pp. Boston: The American orchid society. Internet Archive – Books to Borrow Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1924. Additions to the Orchid Flora of Tropical America. With Illustrations of Pleurothallis and Observations on Noteworthy Species. Schedulae Orchidianae 7: 1–36, pl. 4–20. BHL Reference page.
edit- Ames, O. 1933. A new genus of the Pleurothallidinae. Botanical Museum Leaflets 1(9): 1–29. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. & Quisumbing y Argüelles, E. 1932. New or noteworthy Philippine orchids, II. Philippine Journal of Science 47(2): 197–220, 29 pl. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. & Quisumbing y Argüelles, E. 1932. New or noteworthy Philippine orchids, III. Philippine Journal of Science 49(3): 483–504, 28 pl. BHL Reference page:
- Ames, O. & Quisumbing y Argüelles, E. 1933. New or noteworthy Philippine orchids, IV. Philippine Journal of Science 52(4): 443–473, 17 pl. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1934. Notes on Philippine Orchids. Botanical Museum Leaflets 2: 31–32. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. & Quisumbing y Argüelles, E. 1936. New or noteworthy Philippine orchids, VI. Philippine Journal of Science 59(1): 1–14, 9 pl. BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1938. Nomenclatorial changes. Botanical Museum Leaflets 5(6): 100–101. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Ames, O. 1938. Hintonella, a New Genus of the Ornithocephaleae from Mexico.. Botanical Museum Leaflets 6(9): 185–191. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
edit- Ames, O. & Correll, D.S. 1943. Notes on American Orchids. Botanical Museum Leaflets 11(1): 1–28. JSTOR BHL Reference page.