Nezaket Adıgüzel
Nezaket Adıgüzel (1950– ), Turkish botanist.
IPNI standard form: Adıgüzel
Taxon names authored
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- Vural, M. & Adıgüzel, N. 1995. A new species from Central Anatolia - Aethionema dumanii (Brassicaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany 19(4): 481-483. Reference page.
- Vural, M. & Adıgüzel, N. 1996. A new species from Central Anatolia: Salvia aytachii M. Vural et N. Adıgüzel (Labiatae). Turkish Journal of Botany 20(6): 531–534. Reference page.
- Freitag, H., Vural, M. & Adıgüzel, N. 1999. A Remarkable New Salsola and Some New Records of Chenopodiaceae from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Willdenowia 29(1–2): 123–139. DOI: 10.3372/wi.29.2911 JSTOR Reference page.
- Vural, M., Duman, H., Aytaç, Z. & Adigüzel, N. 2006. Saponaria karapinarensis, Senecio salsuginea and Centaurea tuzgoluensis, three new species from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Belgian Journal of Botany 139(2): 252-260. Reference page.
- Bani, B., Degtjareva, G.V., Pimenov, M.G., Kljuykov, E.V. & Adıgüzel, N. 2012. Bunium allioides (Apiaceae), a New Species from Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici 49(5–6): 412–416. DOI: 10.5735/085.049.0617 PDF. Reference page.
- Vural, M., Duman, H., Aytaç, Z. & Adıgüzel, N. 2012. A new genus and three new species from Central Anatolia, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 36(5): 427–433. DOI: 10.3906/bot-1105-16 Reference page.