Nagamichi Kuroda
Nagamichi Kuroda (1889–1978), Japanese ornithologist and mammalogist.

日本語: 黒田長礼
Taxon names authored
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edit- Kuroda, N. 1917. 朝鮮及ビ對馬産鳥類ノー新屬三新種ニ就テ [On one new genus and three new species of birds from Corea and Tsushima.] Tori 1(5): (en)1–6. DOI: 10.3838/jjo1915.1.5_en1 Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1918. 伊豆七島産鳥類に就て [On the birds from the Seven Islands of Idzu.] Dōbutsugaku Zasshi 30(358): 313–323. BHL NDL Digital Collections Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1919. 南日本産三新鳥の記載 [Descriptions of three new birds from the southern islands of Japan.] Dōbutsugaku Zasshi 31(370): 229–233. BHL NDL Digital Collections Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. 1919. 日本産雉・鸐雉類の亞種に就て [Descriptions of five new forms of Japanese pheasants]. Dōbutsugaku Zasshi 31(372): 299–312. BHL NDL Digital Collections Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1920. On a collection of Japanese and Formosan mammals. Annotationes zoologicae Japonenses 9(5): 599–611. BHL Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. 1920. 臺灣中央山脈産鼠科の二種類に就て [On Two Rare species of Muridae from the Central Mountains of Formosa]. Dōbutsugaku Zasshi 32(376): 36–43. BHL NDL Digital Collections Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. & Mori, T. 1920. 欝陵島採集の主なる鳥類に就て(附、欝陵島産鳥類目録) [A list of the birds of the Dagelet Islands & Descriptions of five new forms of birds from Dagelet and Quelpart Islands]. (English, Japanese) Tori 2(10): 265–283. BHL DOI: 10.3838/jjo1915.2.10_265 Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1921. On three new mammals from Japan. Journal of Mammalogy 2(4): 208–211. DOI: 10.2307/1373554 BHL Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. 1921. Descriptions of seven new forms of Japanese and Corean Picidae. The Auk 38(4): 575–582. DOI: 10.2307/4073629 Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1922. Notes on the birds of Tsushima and Iki Islands, Japan. Ibis Series 11. 4: 75–105. BHL Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. 1922. Remarks on the Japanese Petrels of the genus Oceanodroma. Ibis Series 11. 4(2): 309–314. BHL Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. 1922. Description of four new birds from the islands of Japan and Formosa. Annotationes zoologicae Japonenses 10(4): 115–118. NDL Digital Collections Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1923. Descriptions of new subspecies from Japan. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 43: 86–91. BHL Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. 1923. Descriptions of new species from Japan. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 43: 105–109. BHL Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. 1923. Descriptions of apparently new forms of birds from the Borodino Islands, Riu Kiu group, Japan. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 43: 120–123. BHL Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. 1923. Description of two apparently new forms of Aegithalos caudatus from Japan and Korea. The Auk 40(2): 312–313. DOI: 10.2307/4073821 Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. & Mori, T. 1923. Two new and rare mammals from Corea. Journal of Mammalogy 4(1): 27–28. DOI: 10.2307/1373526 Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1924. On new mammals from the Riu Kiu Islands and the vicinity. Pp. 1–14. View Online Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. 1924. Two new murine rodents from Kurile Islands, Japan. Journal of Mammalogy 5(2): 118–119. DOI: 10.2307/1373616 JSTOR Reference page.
- Kuroda, N. & Mori, T. 1924. 朝鮮産ヤマガラ科の新亜種 [Description of a Subspecies of Sittiparus varius from the Korean Peninsula]. (English, Japanese) Zoological Magazine 36(430): 314–318. NDL Digital Collections Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1925. 臺灣産哺乳類の蒐集品に就て [Description of a new species of the genus Mus from Formosa]. (Japanese, English) Zoological Magazine 37(435): 1–16. NDL Digital Collections Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1927. A List of the Birds described by the Author during the ten years from 1915 to 1925, with descriptions of two new forms. Ibis Series 12. 3(4): 691–723. DOI: 10.1111/J.1474-919X.1927.TB05376.X Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1928. The mammal fauna of Sakhalin. Journal of Mammalogy 9(3): 222–229. DOI: 10.2307/1373270 Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1930. 小笠原諸島産哺乳類 [The geographical distribution of mammals in the Bonin Islands.] (Japanese, English (abstract)) Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 1: 81–88. Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1933. A revision of the genus Pteropus found in the islands of the Riu Kiu chain, Japan. Journal of Mammalogy 14(4): 312–316. DOI: 10.2307/1373948 Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1935. Formosan mammals preserved in the collection of Marquis Yamashina. Journal of Mammalogy 16(4): 277–291. DOI: 10.2307/1374636 Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1940. 原色日本哺乳類図説 [A monograph of the Japanese mammals.] Tokyo: Sanseidō. Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. 1943. アマミトゲネズミ沖縄島に発見せらる [The occurrence of the spinous rat in Okinawa Island in the central Riu Kiu Islands.] Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 13: 59–64. Reference page.
edit- Kuroda, N. & Okada, Y. 1950. On two new races of Cervus nippon from the southern islands of Kyushu, Japan. Annotationes zoologicae Japonenses 24: 59–64. NDL Digital Collections Reference page.