Ulf Molau
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Ulf Molau (1949– ), Swedish botanist.
IPNI standard form: Molau
Taxon names authored
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- Holmgren, N.H. & Molau, U. 1984. 177. Scrophulariaceae. In Harling, G. & Sparre, B. (eds.), Flora of Ecuador, No. 21: 1–189. Swedish Research Councils Publishing House, Stockholm. ISBN 91-86344-21-8. Reference page.
- Molau, U. 1988. Hedbergia, a new genus of Scrophulariaceae from Africa. Nordic Journal of Botany 8(2): 193–195. DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-1051.1988.tb00500.x . Reference page.
- Molau, U. 1990. The genus Bartsia (Scrophulariaceae-Rhinanthoideae). Opera Botanica 102: 1–99. PDF Reference page.