Mitsuo Chihara
Mitsuo Chihara (千原 光雄, 1927–2016) , Japanese phycologist.
IPNI standard form: Chihara
Taxon names authored
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- Chihara, M. 1967. Collinsiellopsis, a new genus of green algae. Phycologia 6(2): 87–95. DOI: 10.2216/i0031-8884-6-2-87.1 Reference page.
- Chihara, M. 1969. Pseudogloiophloea okamurai (Setchell) comb. nov. and Ishige sinicola (Setchell et Gardner) comb. nov. Bulletin of the Japanese Society for Phycology 17: 1–4. Reference page.
- Chihara, M. 1969. Ulva arasakii, a new species of green algae: its life history and taxonomy. Bulletin of the National Science Museum 12: 849–862. Reference page.
- Norris, R.E., Hori, T. & Chihara, M. 1980. Revision of the genus Tetraselmis (Class Prasinophyceae). Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 93(4): 317–339. DOI: 10.1007/BF02488737 . Online Reference page.
- Tanaka, J. & Chihara, M. 1981. Taxonomic study of the Japanese crustose brown algae (4) Ralfsia (Ralfsiaceae, Ralfsiales) (Part 3). Journal of Japanese Botany 56: 97–104.
- Tanaka, J. & Chihara, M. 1981. Taxonomic study of the Japanese crustose brown algae (5) Endoplura and Diplura (Ralfsiaceae, Ralfsiales). Journal of Japanese Botany 56: 153–160. Reference page.
- Hori, T., Norris, R.E. & Chihara, M. 1982. Studies on the ultrastructure and taxonomy of the genus Tetraselmis (Prasinophyceae) I. Subgenus Tetraselmis. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 95: 49–61. DOI: 10.1007/BF02493410 . Reference page.
- Tanaka, J. & Chihara, M. 1982. Morphology and taxonomy of Mesospora schmidtii Weber van Bosse, Mesosporaceae fam. nov. (Ralfsiales, Phaeophyceae). Phycologia 21(3): 382–389, 10 figs, 1 table. DOI: 10.2216/i0031-8884-21-3-382.1 Reference page.
- Kobara, T. & Chihara, M. 1984. Laboratory culture and taxonomy of two species of Pedobesia (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyceae) in Japan. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 97(2): 151–161. Reference page.
- Inouye, I., Hori, T. & Chihara, M. 1984. Observations and taxonomy of Pyramimonas longicauda (Class Prasinophyceae). Japanese Journal of Phycology 32: 113–123. Reference page.
- Tanaka, J. & Chihara, M. 1984. A new species of Myelophycus (M. cavum sp. nov.) with special reference to the systematic position of the genus (Dictyosiphonales, Phaeophyceae). Phykos 23: 12–162.
- Chihara, M., Inouye, I. & Takahata, N. 1986. Oltmannsiellopsis, a new genus of marine flagellate (Dunaliellaceae, Chlorophyceae). Archiv für Protistenkunde 132(4): 313–324. DOI: 10.1016/S0003-9365(86)80026-4 Reference page.
- Hara, Y. & Chihara, M. 1987. Morphology, ultrastructure and taxonomy of the Raphidophycean alga Heterosigma akashiwo. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 100: 151–163.
- Kobara, T. & Chihara, M. 1995. Laboratory culture and taxonomy of Bryopsis (Class Ulvophyceae) in Japan, I. Bryopsis triploramosa, sp. nov.. Journal of Japanese Botany 70: 181–186. Reference page.
- Hasegawa, T., Miyashita, H., Kawachi, M., Ikemoto, H., Kurano, N., Miyachi, S. & Chihara, M. 1996. Prasinoderma coloniale gen. et. sp. nov., a new pelagic coccoid prasinophyte from the western Pacific Ocean. Phycologia 35: 170–176, 32 figs. DOI: 10.2216/i0031-8884-35-2-170.1 Reference page.
- Hanagata, N., Karube, I., Chihara, M. & Silva, P.C. 1998. Reconsideration of the taxonomy of ellipsoidal species of Chlorella (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), with establishment of Watanabea gen. nov. Phycological Research 46(4): 221–229, 40 figs. DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1835.1998.tb00117.x Reference page.
- Hoek, C. van den & Chihara, M. 2000. A taxonomic revision of the species of Cladophora (Chlorophyta) along the coasts of Japan and the Russian Far-east. Natural Science Museum [Tokyo] Monographs 19: 1–242, 100 figs. Reference page.
- Yamaguchi, H., Suda, S., Nakayama, T., Pienaar, R.N., Chihara, M. & Inouye, I. 2011. Taxonomy of Nephroselmis viridis sp. nov. (Nephroselmidophyceae, Chlorophyta), a sister marine species to freshwater N. olivacea. Journal of Plant Research 124(1): 49–62. DOI: 10.1007/s10265-010-0349-y . Reference page.