Liverpool Museum

  • Abbreviation: LIV
  • Alias: World Museum
  • Inception: 1851
  • Location: William Brown Street, Liverpool, EnglandUnited Kingdom
  • Parent body: National Museums Liverpool
  • Wikipedia: World Museum


  • Name: Herbarium, World Museum, National Museums Liverpool, William Brown Street, Liverpool, England L3 8EN, United Kingdom
  • Herbarium Code: LIV
  • Current Status: Active
  • Number of Specimens: 400000
  • Taxonomic Coverage: Angiosperms; aliens and adventives; pteridophytes; marine algae, especially of Irish Sea; British diatoms; bryophytes; fungi; economic botany collection of commercial plant products, especially timbers; ethnobotanical collections
  • Geography: Worldwide, especially of Europe, India, and North America; British Isles, especially northwestern England; mainly British and Old World tropics
  • Date Founded: 1802