Konstantin Mikhailovich Derjugin

Konstantin Mikhailovich Derjugin (1878—1938) — Russian (Soviet) zoologist, marine biologist and educator.

Konstantin Mikhailovich Derjugin
русский: Константин Михайлович Дерюгин

Taxon names authored

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  • Derjugin, K. M., 1920: Eine neue Kabeljau-oder Dorschform aus dem See Mogilnoje (Insel Kildin). Trudy [Imperatorskago] Petrogradskago Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei. Petrograd 51 (pt 1, nos 1-4): 46–52. / Novaya forma treski iz ozera Mogil'nogo (ostrov Kil'din). [A new form of cod of Lake Mogil'noe (Kil'din Island)]. Trudy Petrogradskogo Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei, 51 (1): 26–28.
  • Derjugin, K. M. 1925: Hydrological and hydrobiological studies of the Neva Bay. In Hydrology and Benthos of the Eastern Part of the Guld of Finland. Studies of the Neva River and its Basin. Pp. 3-48. Leningrad. (in Russian)