Kintarô Okamura
Kintarô Okamura, in Japanese 岡村金太郎 (1867–1935), Japanese botanist and phycologist.

IPNI standard form: Okamura
Taxon names authored
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- Okamura, K. 1892. Ecklonia radicosa. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 6: 1–6.
- Okamura, K. 1892. Ptilota dentata sp. nov.. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 6: 149–152.
- Okamura, K. 1895. New or little known algae from Japan. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 9: 445–455 (Japanese); 472–482 (English), Plate IX. BHL Reference page.
- De Toni, G.B. & Okamura, K. 1895. Neue Meeresalgen aus Japan. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 12: 72–78, Plate XVI. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1896. Contribution to knowledge of the marine algae of Japan, II. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 10: 21–28, 33–40. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1897. On the algae from Ogasawara-jima (Bonin Islands). Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 11: 1–10, 11–17, pl. I and one text-fig. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1899. Contributions to the knowledge of the marine algae of Japan. III. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 13: 2–10, 35–43, Plate I. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1901. Nihon kaiso zusetsu. Illustrations of the marine algae of Japan. Vol. I pp. 15–26, pls VI–X. Tokyo: Keigyosha & Co., 1, Urajimbocho, Kanda.BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1902. Nihon kaiso zusetsu. Illustrations of the marine algae of Japan. Vol. I pp. 75–93, pls XXVI–XXX. Tokyo: Keigyosha & Co., 1, Urajimbocho, Kanda. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1902. Nippon Sorui-meii [Book listing Japanese Algae]. pp. i–vi, 1–276. Tokyo: Keigyosha. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1903. Contents of the "Algae Japonicae Exsiccatae" Fasciculus II. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 17: 129–132. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1909. Icones of Japanese Algae. Vol. II pp. 21–40, Plates LVI–LX. Tokyo: published by the author. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1909. Icones of Japanese Algae. Vol. II pp. 41–61, Pl. LXI–LXV. Tokyo: published by the author. BHL
- Okamura, K. 1913. On the marine algae of Chosen. Reports of the Imperial Bureau of Fisheries 2: 17–30
- Okamura, K. 1913. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. III pp. 1–77, pls CI–CXX. Tokyo: published by the author. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1914. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. III pp. 79–121, pls CXXI–CXXX. Tokyo: published by the author. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1915. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. III pp. 123–218, pls CXXXI–CL. Tokyo: published by the author. BHL Reference page.
- [Okamura, K.] 1914. On the distribution of Codium. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 28(325): 1–5. [in Japanese]. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1915. Undaria and its species. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 29: 266–278. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1916. List of marine algae collected in Caroline and Mariana Islands, 1915. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 30: 1–14, 9 figs, Plate I. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1921. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. IV pp. 63–149, Plates CLXLVI–CLXXXV. Tokyo: published by the author. BHL Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1925. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. V pp. 69-116, Plates CCXVI-CCXXX. Tokyo. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1927. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. V pp. 135–180, Plates CCXXXVI–CCXLV. Tokyo: published by the author.
- Okamura, K. 1929. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. VI pp. 1–18 (English), 1–18 (Japanese), Plates CCLI–CCLX. Tokyo: published by the author. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1930. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. VI pp. 19–38 (39) (English, 28–39 misnumbered 21–30), 19–37 (38) (Japanese), Plates CCLXI–CCLXX. Tokyo: published by the author. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1930. On the algae from Island Hatidyo. Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan 2: 92–110, Plates VI–X. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1931. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. VI pp. 39–62 (English), 39–60 (Japanese), Plates CCLXXI–CCLXXX. Tokyo: published by the author. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1931. On the marine algae from Kôtôsho (Botel Tobago). Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 2: 95–122. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1932. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. VI pp. 63–101 (English), 61–96 (Japanese), Plates CCLXXXI–CCC. Tokyo: published by the author. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1932. The distribution of marine algae in Pacific waters. Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan 4: 30–150. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1933. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. 7 pp. 1–18 (English), 1–16 (Japanese), Plates CCCI–CCCX. Tokyo. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1934. Icones of Japanese algae. Vol. 7 pp. 19–48 (English), 17–44 (Japanese), Plates CCCXI–CCCXXV. Tokyo. Reference page.
- Okamura, K. 1936. Nippon kaisô shi [Descriptions of Japanese algae]. pp. [4], [1]–964, [1]–11, frontispiece portrait, 1–427 figs. Tokyo: Uchida Rokakuho. Reference page.