Juan Ignacio Areta
Juan Ignacio (Nacho) Areta, Argentinian ornithologist
- Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del Noroeste Argentino, Salta
- CICyTTP-CONICET, Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina
- South American Classification Committee - American Ornithologist's Union
Taxon names authored
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edit- Areta, J.I. 2007. Behavior and phylogenetic position of Premnoplex barbtails (Furnariidae). The Condor 107: 399–407. Full article (PDF) DOI: 10.1650/0010-5422(2007)109[399:BAPPOP]2.0.CO;2 Reference page.
edit- Areta, Juan I (2008) Entre Ríos Seedeater (Sporophila zelichi): a species that never was. Journal of Field Ornithology Volumen 79´(4), pp 352–363, diciembre de 2008. AbstractReference page.
edit- Areta, J. I., & M. Pearman. 2009. Natural history, morphology, evolution, and taxonomic status of the earthcreeper Upucerthia saturatior (Furnariidae) from the Patagonian forests of South America. Condor 111: 135–149. DOI: 10.1525/cond.2009.080009 Full article (PDF)Reference page.
- Ábalos, R. & Areta, J.I.. 2009. Historia Natural y vocalizaciones del doradito limón (Pseudocolopteryx cf. citreola) en Argentina. Ornitología Neotropical 20(2): 215–230. Abstract & Full article viewReference page.
edit- Areta, J. I., Pearman, M. & R. Ábalos (2012) Taxonomy and biogeography of the Monte Yellow-Finch (Sicalis mendozae): understanding the endemic avifauna of Argentina’s Monte Desert. Condor 114: 654–671.Full article (PDF)Reference page.
edit- Areta, J. I., & M. Pearman. 2013. Species limits and clinal variation in a widespread High Andean furnariid: the Buff-breasted Earthcreeper (Upucerthia validirostris). Condor 113:131–142. DOI: 10.1525/cond.2012.120039. Full article (PDF)Reference page.
edit- Jordan, E.A., Areta, J.I. & Holzmann, I. 2017. Mate recognition systems and species limits in a warbling-finch complex (Poospiza nigrorufa/whitii) Emu 117(4): 344-358 DOI: 10.1080/01584197.2017.1360746Reference page.
- Noriega, J.I., Jordan, E.A., Vezzosi, R.I. & Areta, J.I. 2017. A new species of Opisthodactylus Ameghino, 1891 (Aves, Rheidae), from the late Miocene of northwestern Argentina, with implications for the paleobiogeography and phylogeny of rheas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 37(1): e1278005. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2017.1278005 ResearchGate Reference page.
edit- Areta, J.I., Depino, E.A., Salvador, S.A., Cardiff, S.W., Epperly, K. & Holzmann, I. 2019. Species limits and biogeography of Rhynchospiza sparrows. Journal of Ornithology 160: 973–991. DOI: 10.1007/s10336-019-01695-2 PDF Reference page.
edit- Jordan, E.A., Tello, J.G., Benítez Saldívar, M.J. & Areta, J.I. 2020. Molecular phylogenetics of Doraditos (Aves, Pseudocolopteryx): Evolution of cryptic species, vocal and mechanical sounds. Zoologica Scripta 50(1) DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12467 Reference page.
edit- Musher, L.J., Krabbe, N.K. & Areta, J.I. 2023. Underestimated Neotropical diversity: Integrative taxonomy reveals two unrelated look-alike species in a suboscine bird (Pachyramphus albogriseus). Ornithology 140: 1–17. DOI: 10.1093/ornithology/ukac047 Reference page.
- Depino E.A., Pérez-Emán, J.L., Bonaccorso, E. & Areta, J.I. 2023. Evolutionary history of New World crakes (Aves: Rallidae) with emphasis on the tribe Laterallini. Zoologica Scripta 52(4): 394–412 DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12595 Reference page.
- Areta, J.I., Benítez Saldívar, M.J., Lentino, M., Miranda, J., Ferreira, M., Klicka, J., & Pérez‐Emán, J.L. 2023. Phylogenetic relationships and systematics of the bamboo‐specialist Amaurospiza blue‐seedeaters. Ibis 165(3): 844-861. DOI: 10.1111/ibi.13181 PDF Reference page.
edit- Areta, J.I., Halley, M.R., Kirwan, G.M., Norambuena, H.V., Krabbe, N. & Piacentini, V.de Q. 2024. The world's largest hummingbird was described 131 years ago. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 144 (3): 328–332. DOI: 10.25226/bboc.v144i3.2024.a14 Reference page.