Joseph Isaac Spadafora Whitaker

Joseph Isaac Spadafora Whitaker (1850-1936), Sicilian-English ornithologist and archaeologist

Joseph Isaac Spadafora Whitaker

Taxon names authored

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Publications (ornithology)

  • 1882 Sulla migrazione degli uccelli, specialmente in Sicilia. Naturalista sicil., 1: 121–127.
  • 1894 Notes on some Tunisian Birds. Ibis, 2: 78–100.
  • 1895 Additional note on Tunisian Birds. Ibis, 3: 85–106.
  • 1896 Further notes on Tunisian Birds. Ibis, 4: 87–99.
  • 1896 Turnix sylvatica in Sicily. Ibis, 4: 290–291.
  • 1897 Sturnus unicolor, Garrulus oenops, Rhodopechys aliena sp. nov. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, 7: 17–18.
  • 1898 Otocorys atlas. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, 7: 47.
  • 1898 Further notes on Tunisian Birds. Ibis, 6: 228–231.
  • 1898 On tbe Grey Shrikes of Tunisia. Ibis 6: 228–231.
  • 1898 On a collection of birds from Morocco. Ibis, 6: 592–610.
  • 1898 Saxicola caterinae sp. nova and Loxia curvirostra poliogyna subsp. nova, Ibis, 6: 624–625.
  • 1899 Sulla riproduzione in cattività del Pollo sultano (Porphyrio coeruleus Vandelli) volg. sic. gaddo fagiano o gaddu fascianu. Naturalista sicil., 3 (N.S.): 17–20
  • 1899 Letter on a « Caprimulgus aegyptius » caught near Palermo. lbis, 7: 475–476.
  • 1899 On the breeding of the Purple Gallinule in captivity. Ibis, 7: 502–505.
  • 1899 On a new Chat from Southern Persia. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, 10: 17.
  • 1899 The passage of the Cuculus canorus L. in Sicily. Aquila, 6: 99–100.
  • 1901 On a new species of Acredula from Sicily. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, 11: 51–52.
  • 1901 On some species of Crested Larks. Ibis, 12: 38.
  • 1902 On rare Birds from Tripoli. Ibis, 13: 15–17.
  • 1902 Further information on two recently described species of Passerine Birds. Ibis, 10: 54–59.
  • 1902 On a small collection of Birds from Tripoli. Ibis, 10: 643–656.
  • 1903 On the occurrence of Porphyrio alleni in Italy and Tunis. Ibis, 11: 431–432.
  • 1903 Cisticola cisticola mauritanica subsp. nova. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, 14: 19–20.
  • 1904 La Glareola melanoptera in Sicilia. Avicula, 8: 84–85.
  • 1904 Il Corvus corone, la Linota rufescens e la Glareola melanoptera in Sicilia. Avicula, 8: 56.
  • 1904 Corvus corone, Linota rufescens and Glareola melanoptera in Sicily. Ibis, 12: 477–478.
  • 1904 Alauda arvensis harterti subsp. nova. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, 15: 19–20.
  • 1905 The Birds of Tunisia. 2 voll. London.
  • 1910 Biographical notice on the late Professor Giglioli. Ibis, 18: 537–548.
  • 1910 Letter on Pterocles senegallus in Sicily. Ibis, 18: 567–568.
  • 1910 Lo Pterocles senegallus in Sicilia. Avicula, 14: 102.
  • 1915 Sulla necessità di legislazione internazionale per proibire l'importazione in Europa delle pelli e piume di alcune specie di uccelli. Riv. Ital. Orn. 3: 126–135.
  • 1920 circa The Birds of Sicily. Manoscritto conservato presso la biblioteca Whitaker di Villa Malfitano, Palermo.