Jongsik Chun
Jongsik Chun, South Korean microbiologist.
Taxon names authored
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- Isik, K., Chun, J., Hah, Y.-C. & Goodfellow, M. 1999. Nocardia uniformis nom. rev. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 49(3): 1227–1230. DOI: 10.1099/00207713-49-3-1227 Reference page.
- Yi, H, Schumann, P., Sohn, K. & Chun, J. 2004. Serinicoccus marinus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel actinomycete with L-ornithine and L-serine in the peptidoglycan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54, 1585-1589. Reference page.