John Lindley
John Lindley (1799–1865), English botanist.

IPNI standard form: Lindl.
Taxon names authored
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edit- Lindley, J. 1820. Rosarum monographia, or, A botanical history of roses: to which is added an appendix, for the use of cultivators, in which the most remarkable garden varieties are systematically arranged, with nineteen plates. James Ridgeway. 156 p. BHL. Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1821. Digitalium Monographia; Sistens Historiam Botanicam Generis, Tabulis Omnium Specierum Hactenus Cognitarum Illustratam, ut Plurimum Confectis ad Icones Ferdinandi Bauer penes Gulielmum Catley, Arm.... Cura Johannis Lindley. Londini [London] 27 pp., XXVIII pl. Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1821. Observations on the natural Group of Plants called Pomaceæ. The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 13: 88–106. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1826. Botanical Register; Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment. The designs by Sydenham Edwards, and others. Vol. 12. plates 956–1043. James Ridgeway: London. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1828. Botanical Register; Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment. The designs by Sydenham Edwards, and others. Vol. 14. Plates 1131–1216. James Ridgeway: London. BHL Reference page.
edit- Lindley, J. 1830. Report upon the New or Rare Plants which flowered in the Garden of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick, between March, 1825, and March, 1826. Part II. Hardy Plants. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London 7(2): 224–253. BHL. Reference page.
- Lindley, J. (ed.) 1830. Edwards's Botanical Register 15: tt. 1217–1305. James Ridgeway, London. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. & Hutton, W. 1831–1833. The Fossil flora of Great Britain. Or, figures and descriptions of the vegetable remains found in a fossil state in this country. Vol. 1. London, J. Ridgway. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1830–1840. The Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants. Ridgeway, Picadilly, London, 554 pp. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. (ed.) 1832. Edwards's Botanical Register 18: tt. 1477–1549. James Ridgeway, London. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1833. Nixus Plantarum. London: apud Ridgway et filios. Google Books Reference page.
- Lindley, J. (ed.) 1833–1834. Edwards's Botanical Register 19: tt. 1565–1652. James Ridgeway, London. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1836. A Natural System of Botany. Second edition. xxvi + 526 pp., London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. (ed.) 1837. Edwards's Botanical Register 23: tt 1920–2014. James Ridgeway, London. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. in Mitchell, T.L. 1838. Three Expeditions into the interior of Eastern Australia: with descriptions of the recently explored region of Australia Felix, and of the present colony of New South Wales. 2. Project Gutenberg, Reference page.
- Lindley, J. (ed.) 1839. Edwards's Botanical Register 25: pl. 1–69, pp. 1–95. James Ridgeway, London. BHL Reference page.
edit- Lindley, J. 1839-1840. Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes of Edwards's botanical register consisting of a complete alphabetical and systematical index of names, synomymes and matter, adjusted to the present state of systematical botany, together with a sketch of the vegetation of the Swan River colony. iv + lviii + lxiv p., 9 pl. London: James Ridgway. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1843. Miscellaneous Matter of the Botanical Register 1843. Edwards's Botanical Register 29: 1–85. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1844. Miscellaneous Matter of the Botanical Register 1844. Edwards's Botanical Register 30: 1–92. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1846. Orchidaceae Lindenianae; or, notes upon a collection of orchids formed in Colombia and Cuba, by Mr. J. Linden. VIII+28 pp. Bradbury and Evans, London. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1846. The Vegetable Kingdom; or, the Structure, Classification, and Uses of Plants, Illustrated upon the Natural System... with Upwards of Five Hundred Illustrations. 1ª ed., 908 pp. London. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1848. The Close-Headed Bejaria. The Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette 1848: 175. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1848. in Mitchell, T.L.: Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia, in search of a route from Sydney to the Gulf of Carpentaria. London. online Reference page.
edit- Lindley, J. 1851. Notices of certain Ornamental Plants lately introduced into England. Journal of the Horticultural Society of London 6: 258–273. BHL Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1852–1855. Folia Orchidacea : An enumeration of the known species of orchids. Vol. 1. Parts 1–9. London, Published for the author, by J. Matthews. BHL, DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.51709 Reference page.
- Lindley, J. 1859. Contributions to the Orchideology of India - No.II. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 3: 1–63. BHL Reference page.
edit- Lindley, J. 1861. New Plants. Gardeners' Chronicle 1861: 22–23. BHL Reference page.