Jack Rodney Laundon

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Jack Rodney Laundon (1934–2016), English botanist and lichenologist.

IPNI standard form: J.R.Laundon

  • Born Kettering, Northamptonshire (1934).
  • Natural History Museum in London (1952–1990).
  • British Lichen Society (1958–2016) - Founder member (1958), Editor of the British Lichen Society Bulletin (1963–1979), Honorary Secretary (1964–1983), President (1984–1985), Honorary member (1988–2016)
  • Lichen named in honour, Lepraria Jackii. Tonsberg in Sommerfeltia 14: 200 (1992)
  • Chemicals named in honour, Jackinic acid and norjackinic acid, described by Kummerling and Leuckert in Nova Hedwigia 60: 457–465 (1995)
  • Awarded Fellowship of the Museums Association (1972)
  • Ursula Duncan Award (2007)

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)



(List may be incomplete)

  • Exell, A.W. & Laundon, J.R. 1955. Novidades da flora de Angola. IV. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana, Sér. 2, 29: 29–46, 7 tab. Online. Reference page
  • Laundon, J.R. 1956. The Lichen Ecology of Northamptonshire. The First Fifty Years. A History of the Kettering and District Naturalists’ Society and Field Club: 89–96.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1956. The Bird Ecology of a Northamptonshire Woodland. The First Fifty Years. A History of the Kettering and District Naturalists’ Society and Field Club: 114–122.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1956. Drosera. In Synge, P.M (Editor) Supplement to the Dictionary of Gardening: 199–200. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Second edition: 270–271 (1969).
  • Laundon, J.R. 1956. (with Exell, A.W.) New and noteworthy species of Drosera from Africa and Madagascar. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana: II 30: 213–220.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1957. Lichens. In Hodson N.L. et al: a survey of Thoroughsale and Hazel Woods, Corby, Northants.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1958. Huntingdonshire Lichens. Huntingdonshire Fauna and Flora Society. Annual Report 10: 14–17.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1958. The Lichen Vegetation of Bookham Common. London Naturalist 37: 66–79.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1959. Lichens new to the British Flora: 1. Lichenologist 1: 31–38.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1959. Droseraceae. Flora of Tropical East Africa. London; Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1960. Lichens new to the British Flora: 2. Lichenologist 1: 158–168.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1961. Notes on Geranium in Africa and Arabia. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana: II 35: 59–73.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1961. An Australasian Species of Crassula introduced into Britain. Watsonia 5: 59–63.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1962. The Taxonomy of Sterile Crustaceous Lichens in the British Isles. 1. Terricolous species. Lichenologist 2: 57–67
  • Laundon, J.R. 1963. Nomen conservandum propositum. Proposal for the conservation of the generic name Lepraria Acharius against Pulina Adanson and Con ia Ventenat. Taxon 12: 36–37.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1963. 1. Geranium L. Flora Zambesiaca 2(1):131–136. London; Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1963. The Taxonomy of Sterile Crustaceous Lichens in the British Isles. 2. Corticolous and Lignicolous Species. Lichenologist 2: 101–151.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1964. Semi-natural Vegetation in Northamptonshire. Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club 34: 268–281.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1965. Lichens new to the British Flora: 3. Lichenologist 3: 65–71.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1966. Hudson’s Lichen Siliquosus from Wiltshire. Lichenologist 3: 236–241.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1966. Frost Damage to Parmelia caperata. Lichenologist 3: 273.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1966. 32. Desmodium Desv., nom. cons.rv. Conspectus Florae Angolensis 3: 217–227. Lisboa: Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1967. A Study of the Lichen Flora of London. Lichenologist 3: 277–327.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1969. (with Muller, T., Bowden, L.F. and Goncalves, M. L.) 34. Geraniaceae. Flora de Mocambique. Lisboa: Centro de Botanica.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1970. 71 – Droseraceae. Conspectus Florae Angolensis 4: 24–29. Lisboa: Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar and Instituto de Investigacao Cientifica de Angola.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1970. London’s Lichens. London Naturalist 49: 20–69.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1970. Lichens new to the British Flora: 4. Lichenologist 4: 297–308.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1971. (with James P.W.) A plea for Lichen. Church times 5630: 12 (January 8) (Letter).
  • Laundon, J.R. 1971. Fumarprotocetraric acid in Cladonia rangiformis. Lichenologist 5: 175–176.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1971. Lichen communities destroyed by psocids. Lichenologist 5: 177.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1972. Pre-congress lichen field excursion. Bulletin of the British Mycological Society 6 (1): 11.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1972. Value of Fungi as Indicators of Pollution. International Journal of Environmental Studies 3 69–72.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1972. The Lichens of Wood Walton Fen. Huntingdon Fauna and Flora Society. Annual Report 24: 15–19.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1972. (with Hawksworth, D.L. and James, P.W.) The nomenclature of Pilophorus. Taxon 21: 327–329.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1972. Literature on Lichens. British Lichen Society Bulletin 30: 9–11; 31:15–17.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1972. Sulphur dioxide emissions reach highest level ever. British Lichen Society Bulletin 31: 1–2.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1973. Literature on Lichens – 20. British Lichen Society Bulletin 32: 7–8.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1973. Lichens of Wicken Fen. Guides to Wicken Fen 10.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1973. Urban Lichen Studies. In Ferry, B.W., Baddeley, M.S and Hawksworth, D.L. (Editors) Air Pollution and Lichens; 109–123. London: Athlone Press.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1973. Lichens. In Steele, R.C. and Welch, R.C. (Editors) Monks Wood. A Nature Reserve Record: 95–100. Huntingdon Nature Conservancy.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1973. Changes in the Lichen Flora of Bookham Common with increased air pollution and other factors. London Naturalist 52: 82–92.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1973. Churchyards face uncertain future. British Lichen Society Bulletin 33: 1–3.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1973. Literature on Lichens – 21. British Lichen Society Bulletin 33: 13–16.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1974. Literature on Lichens – 22. British Lichen Society Bulletin 34: 8–10.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1974. Leproplaca in the British Isles. Lichenologist 6: 102–105.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1974. Literature on Lichens – 23. British Lichen Society Bulletin 35: 8–9.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1975. Literature on Lichens – 24. British Lichen Society Bulletin 36: 10–11.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1975. Literature on Lichens – 25. British Lichen Society Bulletin 37: 8–9.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1976. Sarsen Lichens at risk. British Lichen Society Bulletin 38: 1–2.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1976. Literature on Lichens – 26. British Lichen Society Bulletin 38: 11–12.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1976. Lichens to the new British Flora: 5. Lichenologist 8: 139–150.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1976. Lichens on stone: beauty or blight? British Lichen Society Bulletin 39: 1–2.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1976. Literature on Lichens – 27. British Lichen Society Bulletin 39: 11.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1977. The Lichen Flora of Chippenham Fen, Cambridgeshire: a study of secondary woodland. Nature in Cambridgeshire 20: 11–20
  • Laundon, J.R. 1977. Report on lecture and exhibition meeting, 1977. British Lichen Society Bulletin 40: 10.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1977. Picnic at Castellfullit de Riubregos. British Lichen Society Bulletin 40: 11–12.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1977. Literature on Lichens – 28. British Lichen Society Bulletin 40: 15–17.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1977. Books on Lichens – 7. British Lichen Society Bulletin 40: 9.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1977. Books on Lichens – 8. British Lichen Society Bulletin 41: 7.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1977. Industrial News – 4. British Lichen Society Bulletin 41: 8.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1977. Literature on Lichens – 29. British Lichen Society Bulletin 41: 11.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1977. Frontispiece: River Thames. London Naturalist 56: 2.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. Lichens used as Landmarks in Saxon England. British Lichen Society Bulletin 42: 1–2.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. Books on Lichens – 9. British Lichen Society Bulletin 42: 4.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. Literature on Lichens – 30. British Lichen Society Bulletin 42: 7–9.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. 68 Droseraceae. In Launert, E. (Editor) Flora Zambesiaca 4: 62–68. Kew: Flora Zambesiaca Managing Committee.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. Effects of Dutch Elm Disease. London Naturalist 57: frontispiece.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. Haematomma chemotypes form fused thalli. Lichenologist 10: 221–225
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. Churches: the battle for survival. British Lichen Society Bulletin 43: 1–3.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. Literature on Lichens – 31. British Lichen Society Bulletin 43: 12–13.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1979. Deceased Lichenologists: their abbreviations and herbaria. Lichenologist 11: 1–26.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1979. Literature on Lichens – 32. British Lichen Society Bulletin 44: 8–9.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1979. Dungeness faces devastation. British Lichen Society Bulletin 45: 1–3.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1979. Literature on Lichens – 33. British Lichen Society Bulletin 45: 10–11.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1980. Literature on Lichens – 34. British Lichen Society Bulletin 46: 10–12.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1980. The use of Lichens for Dating Walls in Bradgate Park, Leicestershire. Transactions of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society 74: 11–30.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1980. Literature on Lichens – 35. British Lichen Society Bulletin 47: 13–15.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1981. Literature on Lichens – 36. British Lichen Society Bulletin 48: 20–22.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1981. The date of birth of Sir John Hill (1714 – 1775). Archives of Natural History 10: 65–66.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1981. The species of Chrysothrix. Lichenologist 13:101–121.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1981. Proposal to emend Chrysothrix Mont., non. cons., and add Pulveraria Ach., nom. rej. (Lichenes), Taxon 30: 663–664.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1981. Lichens. In survey of Bookham Common: thirty-ninth year. Progress report for 1980. London Naturalist 60: 65–66.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1981. Literature on Lichens – 37. British Lichen Society Bulletin 49: 23–26.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1982. Literature on Lichens – 38. British Lichen Society Bulletin 50: 25–27.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1982. Literature on Lichens – 39. British Lichen Society Bulletin 51: 24–26.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1982. With Jones, D. and Wilson, M. J.) Observations on the location and form of lead in Stereocaulon vesuvianum. Lichenologist 14: 281–286.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1982. The mysterious succulent. Chrysalis 12: 7 (Natural History Museum House Journal)
  • Laundon, J.R. 1983. Disappearing woodland lichens. Living Countryside 9 (100): 1981–1983.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1983. Literature on Lichens – 40. British Lichen Society Bulletin 52: 39–40.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1983. Lichens in our churchyards. Living Countryside 11 (126): 2501–2503.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1983. (with Laundon, R. J.) Translation and revision of German lichen text of Jahns, H. M. Collins Guide to the Ferns, Mosses and Lichens of Britain and North and Central Europe. London: Collins.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1983. Leproplaca lutea Laundon, sp. nov. In Galloway, D. J. New taxa in the New Zealand lichen flora. New Zealand Journal of Botany 21: 193–194.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1983. Literature on Lichens – 41. British Lichen Society Bulletin 53: 24–26.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1983. Lichens of Dungeness. Living Countryside 13 (145): 2898–2900.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1983. Dungeness: whatever next? Living Countryside 13 (145): back cover.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1984. Lichens in the city. Living Countryside 14 (160): 3198–3200. Reprinted 1986, in Wildlife on your Doorstep: 70–72. Reprinted 1990, Reader’s Digest.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1984. (with Brightman, F. H,) Lichens in Churchyards. London: British Lichen Society. (handout). Reprinted 1990, University of Bath. Reprinted 1994, in Friends of Kensal Green Cemetery 0: 10–11.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1984. Studies in the nomenclature of British Lichens 1. Lichenologist 16: 53–57.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1984. Literature on Lichens – 42. British Lichen Society Bulletin 54: 32–35.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1984. Proposal to emend Cladonia Hill ex Browne, 1756, nom. cons., and delete Cladona Adanson, 1763, nom. rej. (Ascomycetes: Lecanorales). Taxon 33: 109–112.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1984. The Typification of Withering's Neglected Lichens. The Lichenologist 16(3): 211–239.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1984. Country diary – 8: the French connection. British Lichen Society Bulletin 55: 8–10.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1984. Literature on Lichens – 43. British Lichen Society Bulletin 55: 30–31.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1985. Literature on Lichens – 44. British Lichen Society Bulletin 56: 36–39.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1985. Proposal to emend Recommendation 46E.1. Taxon 34: 333.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1985. Desmococcus olivaceus - the name of the common subaerial green alga. Taxon 34: 671–672. Reference page
  • Laundon, J.R. 1985. Literature on Lichens – 45. British Lichen Society Bulletin 57: 26–28.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1985. (with Brightman, F. H.) Alternatives to Lichen Dyes. London: British Lichen Society (handout). Reprinted 1986, in Hali 30: 4.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1986. Studies in the nomenclature of British Lichens II. Lichenologist 18: 169–177.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1986. Literature on Lichens – 46. British Lichen Society Bulletin 58: 38–39.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1986. (with O’Dare, A. M.) Field meeting in North Wiltshire. Lichenologist 18: 269–273.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1986. Lichens. Aylesbury: Shire 24 pp. Reprinted 2001. American edition 1989 by State Mutual Book and Periodical Service Ltd, 521 Fifth Avenue, 17th Floor, New York 10175.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1986. Literature pertaining to British Lichens – 1. British Lichen Society Bulletin 59: 36–37.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1987. Literature pertaining to British Lichens – 2. British Lichen Society Bulletin 60: 39–41.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1987. Dougal Swinscow: a birthday tribute. Lichenologist 19: 343–344.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1987. Literature pertaining to British Lichens – 3. British Lichen Society Bulletin 61: 28.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1987. Life after death. Plant Press 2:7
  • Laundon, J.R. 1988. Literature pertaining to British Lichens – 4. British Lichen Society Bulletin 62: 34–35.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1988. (with Hawksworth, D. L.) Proposal to conserve Aspicilia Massal. against several names (Lichenized Ascomycotina: Hymeneliaceae). Taxon 37: 478–479.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1988. (with Galloway, D. J.) Proposal to conserve Pseudocyphellaria against several names (Ascomycotina, Lobariaceae). Taxon 37: 480–482.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1988. Plea for home TLC kits. British Lichen Society Bulletin 63:26–27. (letter)
  • Laundon, J.R. 1989. The species of Leproloma – the name for the Lepraria membranacea group. Lichenologist 21: 1–22.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1989. Literature pertaining to British Lichens – 5. British Lichen Society Bulletin 64: 46–47.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1989. Lichens at Dungeness. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 101:103–109.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1989. Changing names. British Lichen Society Bulletin 65: 15–18.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1989. Literature pertaining to British Lichens – 6. British Lichen Society Bulletin 65: 41–42.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1990. Literature pertaining to British Lichens – 7. British Lichen Society Bulletin 66: 35–36.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1990. Taxonomy axed at the British Museum (Natural History). Taxon 39: 540.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1990. (with Elix, J. A. and Pratt, S. J.) A synthesis of the lichen dibenzofuran pannaric acid 6-methyl ester. Australian Journal of Chemistry 43: 2107–2111.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1991. (with Lambley, P.) Obituary: Stanley Arthur Manning, 1921 – 1991. British Lichen Society Bulletin 69: 25–26.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1992. New British Species of Caloplaca. Lichenologist 24: 1 -5.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1992. (with Diamantopoulos, J., Pirintsos, S. and Vokou, D.) The epiphytic lichens around Thessaloniki (Greece) as indicators of sulphur dioxide pollution. Lichenologist 24: 63–71.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1992. (with Elix, J. A. and Naidu, R.) A synthesis of the lichen dibenzofuran pannaric acid 2-methyl ester and its isomer 3-Q-methylpannaric acid. Australian Journal of Chemistry 45: 785–791.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1992. Box markings reflect personal prejudice – not performance. IPMS Bulletin 2/92: 15. (Letter).
  • Laundon, J.R. 1992. Bimbos and dinosaurs. IPMS Bulletin 9/92: 15. (Letter)
  • Laundon, J.R. 1992. Lepraria in the British Isles. Lichenologist 24: 315–350.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1992. Pertusaria aspergilla, the correct name for P. dealbata auct. (lichenized Ascomycotina: Pertusariales). Taxon 41: 744–745.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1992. Purvis, O. W., Coppins, B. J., Hawksworth, D .L., James, P. W. and Moore, D. M. (Editors) The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Natural History Museum. (accounts of Caloplaca, Coelocaulon, Lepraria, Leproloma, Leproplaca, Xanthoria, and index.)
  • Laundon, J.R. 1993. Lichens from Feltham Marshalling Yard. London Naturalist 72: 38.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1994. A bit like a pig. The Independent 2295: 15 (26 February 1994) (Letter).
  • Laundon, J.R. 1994. (with Elix, J. A. and Naidu, R.) The structure and synthesis of 4-oxypannaric acid 2-methyl ester, a dibenzofuran from the lichen Leproloma diffusum. Australian Journal of Chemistry 47: 703–704.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1994. Birds of a feather. Independent London 19 September 1994: 7. (Letter).
  • Laundon, J.R. 1995. The ciliate species of Physcia (lichenized Ascomycotina; Lecanorales), with two conservation and two rejection proposals (1162–1165). Taxon 44: 245–248.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1995. On the classification of lichen photomorphs. Taxon 44: 387–389.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1995. The formation of the British Lichen Society. British Lichen Society Bulletin 77: 1–10.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1995. The historic White Water Lake. Northamptonshire Past and Present 9: 111–119.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1996. Lichen photomorphs: the good, the bad and the ugly. Taxon 45: 665
  • Laundon, J.R. 2000. Traditional botany rules for the new millennium. British Lichen Society Bulletin 86: 19.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2001. Lichens. Shire Publications Ltd., Cromwell House, Buckinghamshire, UK, 24 pp.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2003. The status of Lecanora zosterae in the British Isles. Lichenologist 35: 97–102.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2003. Six lichens of the Lecanora varia group. Nova Hedwigia 76(1–2): 83–111. DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2003/0076-0083  . RLL (PDF) Reference page
  • Laundon, J.R. 2004. (1634) Proposal to reject Lichen daedaleus in order to safeguard the name Pyxine sorediata. Taxon 53: 832.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2005. The publication and typification of Sir James Edward Smith's lichens in English Botany. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 147(4): 483–499. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2004.00378.x  . ResearchGate  . Oxford Academic Reference page
  • Laundon, J.R. 2005. Decline in the lichens of Kings Wood, Corby. In Budworth, J. W. (Editor) A Century of Natural History: 62–68: Kettering: Kettering and District Natural History Society.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2005. The memorial to Cyril Castell. London Naturalist 84: 75–77.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2006. The subspecies of Melanelixia fuliginosa. Lichenologist 38: 277–278.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2006. The importance of Northamptonshire’s reservoirs. Northamptonshire Past and Present 59: 73–81.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2007. Winter field meeting 2007 – Bookham Common. Changes to the lichens on Bookham Common 1953 - 2007. British Lichen Society Bulletin 100: 21–23.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2007. (with Waterfield, A.) William Borrer’s lichens in the Supplement to the English Botany 1829 – 1866. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 154: 381–392.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2007. The fish ponds of Harrington Parks. Northamptonshire Past and Present 60: 61–71.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2008. Fifty years ago. British Lichen Society Bulletin 102: 46–48.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2008. Some synonyms in Chrysothrix and Lepraria. Lichenologist 40: 411–414.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2008. The Wakerley calciner furnaces. Northamptonshire Past and Present 61: 86–86.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2010. Lecanora antiqua. A new saxicolous species from Great Britain, and the nomenclature and authorship of L. albescens, L. conferta and L. muralis. Lichenologist 42: 631–636
  • Laundon, J.R. 2012. (with Galloway, D. J.) A brief history of the Natural History Museum Lichen Section and its collections, from its foundation up to 1990. British Lichen Society Bulletin 110: 30–34.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2012. (2100) Proposal to conserve Chrysothrix, nom cons., against an additional name, Alysphaeria (lichenized Ascomycota). Taxon 61: 1321.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2013. (‘2012’) Lichens invade the City of London. The London Naturalist 91: 53–68.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2014. The rivers of Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Natural History Society 279: 28–40.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2015. Fox coverts in Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Natural History Society 280: 7–23.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2015. My pet hate: combined locality names. British Lichen Society Bulletin 117: 44
  • Laundon, J.R. 2017. Castle Earthworks in Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Natural History Society 282: 17–32 (published posthumously)
  • Laundon, J.R. 2023. Churchyards and the Belvoir Angel Headstones. Leicestershire Historian 59: 14–19 (published posthumously)


  • Laundon, J.R. 1963. The Observers Book of Lichen’s. By K.L Alvin and K.A. Kershaw. Annals and Magazine of Natural History XIII, 5: 703–704.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1963. Catalogus Lichenum Germaniae. By V Grummann. Lichenologist 2: 203–204.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1969. The Lichen Genus Cladonia in North America. By J.W. Thompson. Lichenologist 4: 196–197.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. Lichens as Pollution Monitors. By D. L. Hawksworth and F. Rose. Journal of Ecology. 66: 330–331
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. The Observer’s Book of Lichens. By K. L. Alvin. (Edition 2) London Naturalist 57: 95.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1978. Lichen Ecology. Edited by M. R. D Seaward. Lichenologist 10: 237–238.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1979. Specimen of a Lichenographia Britannica. By D. Turner and W. Borrer. Facsimile edition. Lichenologist 11: 203–204.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1982. Etude Ecologique et Phytosociologique des Peuplements Licheniques Saxicoles-Calcicoles du Sud-Est de la France. By C. Roux. Lichenologist 14: 199–200.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1983. The Letters and Papers of Sir John Hill 1714–1775. By G. S. Rousseau. Archives of Natural History 11: 343–344.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1984. Ainsworth and Bisby’s Dictionary of the Fungi. By D. L. Hawksworth, B. C. Sutton and G. C. Ainsworth. Lichenologist 16: 207–208.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1990. Family names. Index of Fungi Supplement. By D. L. Hawksworth and J. C. David. Lichenologist 22: 413
  • Laundon, J.R. 1990. The Nature of Northamptonshire. Edited by A. Colston and F. Perring. Natural History Book Reviews 10: 6–7.
  • Laundon, J.R. 1996. Flora of Australia, Volume 55 Lichens – Lecanorales 2, Parmeliaceae. Executive editor A. E. Orchard. Kew Bulletin 51 (3): 620–621.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2000. Understanding Lichens. By G. Baron. London Naturalist 79: 44.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2001. Lichens. 4th Edition. By F. S. Dobson. London Naturalist 80: 202.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2005. The Lichen Hunters. By O. Gilbert. London Naturalist 84: 180.
  • Laundon, J.R. 2009. Flora of New Zealand lichens. Revised second edition. By D. J. Galloway. Mycotaxon 107: 518–520.