Immersaria athroocarpa


Taxonavigation: Lecideales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lecanoromycetes
Subclassis: Lecanoromycetidae
Ordo: Lecideales

Familia: Lecideaceae
Genus: Immersaria
Species: Immersaria athroocarpa



Immersaria athroocarpa (Ach.) Rambold & Pietschm., 1989

World distribution: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America

  • Lichen athroocarpus Ach., 1798


  • Amygdalaria athroocarpa (Ach.) Clauzade & Cl. Roux, Bull. Soc. bot. Centre-Ouest, Nouv. sér., num. spec. 7: 157 (1985)
  • Lecidea athroocarpa (Ach.) Ach., Method. Lich.: 41 (1803)
  • Lecidea atrofuscescens Nyl., Flora, Jena 49: 371 (1866)
  • Lecidella athroocarpa (Ach.) Arnold, 1887
  • Lecidella atrofuscescens (Nyl.) Arnold, 1871
  • Lichen athroocarpus Ach., Lich. suec. prodr. (Linköping): 77 (1798)
  • Patellaria athroocarpa (Ach.) Hepp, 1860
  • Porpidia athroocarpa (Ach.) Hertel & Rambold, in Hertel, Lecideaceae exsiccatae, Fascicle VIII (nos 141-160) (München)(141-160): 8 (1985)


  • Rambold, Biblthca Lichenol. 34: 240 (1989)
  • Rambold, G. (1989) A Monograph of the Saxicolous Lecideoid Lichens of Australia (Excl. Tasmania). - Bibliotheca Lichenologica, No. 34. J. Cramer, Berlin-Stuttgart. 345 pp.   **[RLL List # 139 / Rec.# 15275] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Band 34)
  • Kainz, C. (2004) Immersaria (pp. 135-136) In: Nash III, T.H.; Ryan, B.D.; Diederich, P.; Gries, C. and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 2. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 742 pages.   **[RLL List # 196 / Rec.# 25909] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Immersaria athroocarpa: pp. 135-136; distribution map for the Sonoran region: p. 136)
  • Wirth, V. (1995) Immersaria Rambold & Pietschm. (pp. 433-434) - Teil 1) In, Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs, Teil 1 & 2. Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart. 1006 pp.; in German.   **[RLL List # 159 / Rec.# 20405] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Immersaria athroocarpa: p. 434)
  • The Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway (Photo Gallery) - Immersaria athroocarpa

Vernacular names
