- Series title: Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba
- Dutch: Exploratie van het Nationaal Garamba Park
- Activity: 1954–19??
- Publisher:
- Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo Belge / Instituut der nationale parken van Belgisch Congo (1951–1960)
- Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo et du Ruanda-Burundi (1961?)
- Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo et du Ruanda (1962?–1964?)
- Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo (1965?–1966?)
- Place of publication: Bruxelles
- Parts:
- Exploration of Garamba National Park. Archives (apncb.be)
- Note: at least two volumes after vol. 54 (1968) are known to be published but are not available from RBINS nor apncb.be websites