Isabella Aiona Abbott
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Isabella Aiona Abbott (1919–2010), U.S. (Hawaiian) botanist and phycologist.

IPNI standard form: I.A.Abbott
Taxon names authored
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edit- Abbott, I.A. & Doty, M.S. 1960. Studies in the Helminthocladiaceae. II. Trichogloeopsis. American Journal of Botany 47: 632–640. DOI: 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1960.tb07146.x Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1961. On Schimmelmannia from California and Japan. Pacific Naturalist 2: 379–386. Reference page.
- Doty, M.S. & Abbott, I.A. 1961. Studies in the Helminthocladiaceae (Rhodophyta): Helminthocladia. Pacific Science 15: 56–63.
- Abbott, I.A. 1962. Morphological studies in a new species of Acrosymphyton (Rhodophyceae). American Journal of Botany 49: 845–849, 9 figs. DOI: 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1962.tb15018.x Reference page.
- Doty, M.S. & Abbott, I.A. 1964. Studies in the Helminthocladiaceae, III. Liagoropsis. Pacific Science 18: 441–452, 18 figs, 2 tables. Reference page.
- Hollenberg, G.J. & Abbott, I.A. 1965. New species and new combinations of marine algae from the region of Monterey, California. Canadian Journal of Botany 43: 1177–1188. Reference page.
- Hollenberg, G.J. & Abbott, I.A. 1966. Supplement to Smith's marine algae of the Monterey Peninsula. pp. [i]–ix [xii], [1]–130, 53 figs. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1967. Studies in some foliose red algae of the Pacific coast II. Schizymenia. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 66: 161–174. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1968. Studies in some foliose red algae of the Pacific coast. III. Dumontiaceae, Weeksiaceae, Kallymeniaceae. Journal of Phycology 4: 180–198.
- Hollenberg, G.J. & Abbott, I.A. 1968. New species of marine algae from California. Canadian Journal of Botany 46: 1235–1251, 14 figs. Reference page.
- Womersley, H.B.S. & Abbott, I.A. 1968. Structure and reproduction of Neoardissonea Kylin (Rhodophyta, Naccariaceae). Journal of Phycology 4: 173–177. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1969. Some new species, new combinations, and new records of red algae from the Pacific coast. Madroño 20: 42–53. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. & Littler, M.M. 1969. Some Rhodymeniales from Hawaii. Phycologia 8: 165–169, 5 figs. Reference page.
edit- Abbott, I.A. 1970. Yamadaella, a new genus in the Nemaliales (Rhodophyta). Phycologia 9: 115–123, 9 figs. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1971. On some Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) from California. Pacific Science 25(3): 349–356. PDF download Reference page.
- Kraft, G.T. & Abbott, I.A. 1971. Predaea weldii, a new species of Rhodophyta from Hawaii, with an evaluation of the genus. Journal of Phycology 7: 194–202. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1972. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on North Pacific marine algae. Phycologia 11: 259–265. DOI: 10.2216/i0031-8884-11-3-259.1 Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1976. Dotyophycus pacificum gen. et sp. nov., with a discussion of some families of Nemaliales (Rhodophyta). Phycologia 15: 125–132, 9 figs. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1979. Some tropical species related to Antithamnion (Rhodophyta, Ceramiaceae). Phycologia 18: 213–227, 31 figs. Reference page.
edit- Abbott, I.A. & Yoshizaki, M. 1981. A second species of Dotyophycus (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) that emphasizes the distinctness of a diffuse gonimoblast. Phycologia 20: 222–227. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1984. Dotyella irregularis sp. nov. and new observations on Cottoniella (Sarcomenioideae, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 23: 369–375. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1984. Peleophycus multiprocarpium gen. et sp. nov. (Gloiosiphoniaceae, Rhodophyta). Pacific Science 38: 324–332.
- Abbott, I.A. 1985. Vegetative and reproductive morphology in Reticulocaulis gen. nov. and Naccaria hawaiiana sp. nov. (Rhodophyta, Naccariaceae). Journal of Phycology 21: 554–561. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1989. Marine algae of the northwest Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science 43: 223–233. Reference page.
- Santelices, B., Ramírez, M.E. & Abbott, I.A. 1989. A new species and new records of marine algae from Chile. British Phycological Journal 24: 73–82. Reference page.
edit- Abbott, I.A., Zhang, J. & Xia, B.M. 1991. Gracilaria mixta, sp. nov. and other western Pacific species of the genus (Rhodophyta: Gracilariaceae). Pacific Science 45: 12–27, 25 figs, 1 table. Reference page.
- Norris, R.E. & Abbott, I.A. 1992. New taxa of Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) from Hawai'i. Pacific Science 46(4): 453–465. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. & Norris, R.E. 1993. New species of Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) from the Hawaiian Islands. Phycologia 32: 451–461. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1995. A decade of species of Gracilaria (sensu lato). In: Taxonomy of Economic Seaweeds. (Abbott, I.A. Eds) Vol.5, pp. 185–195. La Jolla, California: California Sea Grant College System. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1996. New species and notes on marine algae from Hawai'i. Pacific Science 50: 141–156. Reference page.
- Kraft, G.T. & Abbott, I.A. 1997. Platoma ardreanum (Schizymeniaceae, Gigartinales) and Halymenia chiangiana (Halymeniaceae, Halymeniales), two new species of proliferous, foliose red algae from the Hawaiian Islands. Cryptogamie, Algologie 18: 97–116. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. 1998. Some new species and new combinations of marine red algae from the Central Pacific. Phycological Research 46: 97–109. Reference page.
edit- Abbott, I.A. & McDermid, K.J. 2001. Dudresnaya babbittiana (Dumontiaceae, Gigartinales), a new red algal species from Midway Atoll, North Central Pacific. Cryptogamie: Algologie 22: 249–261, 12 figs. Reference page.
- Kraft, G.T. & Abbott, I.A. 2002. The anatomy of Neotenophycus ichthyosteus gen. et sp. nov. (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales), a bizzare red algal parasite from the central Pacific. European Journal of Phycology 37: 269–278. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. & Huisman, J.M. 2003. New species, observations, and a list of new records of brown algae from the Hawaiian Islands. Phycological Research 51(3): 173–185. Reference page.
- Huisman, J.M., Sherwood, A.R. & Abbott, I.A. 2003. Morphology, reproduction, and the 18S rDNA gene sequence of Pihiella liagoraciphila gen. et sp. nov. (Rhodophyta), the so-called ‘monosporangial discs’ associated with members of the Liagoraceae (Rhodophyta) and proposal of the Pihiellales ord. nov. Journal of Phycology 39: 978–987.
- Kraft, G.T. & Abbott, I.A. 2003. Hydroclathrus (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyceae): conspectus of the genus and proposal of new species from Australia and Hawaii. Phycological Research 51(4): 244–258. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. & Huisman, J.M. 2004. Marine green and brown algae of the Hawaiian Islands. pp. i–xi, 1–259, 6 maps, 3 pls, 95 figs, 1 photograph. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press. Reference page.
- Huisman, J.M., Abbott, I.A. & Sherwood, A.R. 2004. Large subunit rDNA gene sequences and reproductive morphology reveal Stenopeltis to be a member of the Liagoraceae (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta), with a description of Akalaphycus gen. nov. European Journal of Phycology 39: 257–272. DOI: 10.1080/09670260410001710123 Reference page.
- Huisman, J.M., Abbott, I.A. & Sherwood, A.R. 2004. The Liagoraceae (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) of the Hawaiian Islands III: the genus Ganonema, with a description of G. yoshizakii sp. nov. Phycologia 43: 296–310. Reference page.
- Kraft, G.T., Saunders, G.W., Abbott, I.A. & Haroun, R.J. 2004. A uniquely calcified brown alga from Hawaii: Newhousia imbricata gen. et sp. nov. (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae). Journal of Phycology 40: 383–394, 9 figs, 2 tables. DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2004.03115.x Reference page.
- Vroom, P.S. & Abbott, I.A. 2004. Acrosymphyton brainardii sp. nov. (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from French Frigate Shoals, northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Phycologia 43: 68–74. DOI: 10.2216/i0031-8884-43-1-66.1 Reference page.
- Ballantine, D.L. & Abbott, I.A. 2006. Ganonema vermiculare sp. nov. (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta), a new species from Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea. Botanica Marina 49: 122–128. Reference page.
edit- Abbott, I.A., Ballantine, D.L. & O'Doherty, D.C. 2010. Morphological relationships within the genus Lophocladia (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) including a description of L. kuesteri sp. nov. from Hawai'i. Phycologia 49(4): 390–401. DOI: 10.2216/09-81.1
- Ni-Ni-Win, Hanyuda, T., Arai, S., Uchimura, M., Prathep, A., Draisma, S.G.A., Phang, S.M., Abbott, I.A., Millar, A.J.K. & Kawai, H. 2011. A taxonomic study of the genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) including the description of four new species from Japan, Hawaii, and the Andaman Sea. Journal of Phycology 47(5): 1193–1209. Reference page.
- Abbott, I.A. & Ballantine, D.L. 2012. Veleroa setteana, n. sp. (Rhodophyta, Rhodomelaceae), from the Hawaiian Archipelago, including notes on the generitype. Pacific Science 66(3): 387–395, 3 fig., 1 table. Reference page.
edit- Huisman, J.M. & Norris, J.N. 2004. A tribute to Isabella Aiona Abbott on the occasion of her 85th birthday. Happy Birthday Izzie! Cryptogamie, Algologie 25(3): 219–239. (PDF, with CV, worklist and list of eponyms)