Homalium foetidum
(Redirected from Homalium platyphyllum)
editTaxonavigation: Malpighiales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Salicaceae
Tribus: Homalieae
Genus: Homalium
Species: Homalium foetidum
editHomalium foetidum (Roxb.) Benth., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4: 37 (1860[1859])
edit- Basionym
- Ludia foetida Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. 1832, 2: 508 (1832)
- Heterotypic
- Blakwellia moluccana Blume, Mus. Bot. 2: 27 (1856); not accepted by Sleumer (1955: 57) and Applequist (2013: 66) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Type: G.E.Rumphis, "Metrosideros Molucca". Herb. Amboin. 3: tab. 11 (1743) (holotype)
- Homalium aranga S.Vidal ex Fern.-Vill. in Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, 4(13A): 94 (1880), in syn.; as Homalium Aranga; not accepted by Sleumer (1955: 57) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Homalium luzoniense Fern.-Vill. in F.M. Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, 4(13A): 94 (1880); as Homalium Luzoniense; not accepted by Sleumer (1955: 57) and Applequist (2013: 46) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Type: S. Vidal y Soler 2903? (syntypes: PNH, destroyed by fire; isosyntypes: MA) fide Applequist (2013: 46).
- Note: MA stores nine 'types' collected by S. Vidal, four of them under the number '354' (MA758975, MA758975-2, MA758975-3, MA758975-4), one under the number '1374' (MA758971), and the rest without collection number (MA758966 [collected on 5 July 1880], MA758967, MA758972 [collected in February 1882], MA758973). None of the surviving specimens are labelled with Tayabas or any nearby locality and just one with Angat, which Applequist states that 'is likely to be the obligatory lectotype'.
- Type locality: [THE PHILIPPINES.] Tayabas et Angat (Luzon)[Luzon: Bulacan Prov, Angat].
- Type: S. Vidal y Soler 2903? (syntypes: PNH, destroyed by fire; isosyntypes: MA) fide Applequist (2013: 46).
- Homalium amplifolium Gilg, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55(2–3): 276 (1918); not accepted by Sleumer (1955: 57), Craven (1979) and Applequist (2013: 25) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Homalium pachyphyllum Gilg, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55(2–3): 276 (1918); not accepted by Sleumer (1955: 57), Craven (1979) and Applequist (2013: 51) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Type: Schlechter 19979 (in flower, [20] August [1909]; syntype: B, destroyed; isosyntype: K-K000591587(mirror); possible isosyntype: BR-BR0000013346607) and Ledermann 10631 (in flower, in January; syntype: B).
- Type locality: Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea[Northeastern PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Kaiser-Wilhelmsland at that time]. Hauptlager Malu am Sepik,
- Schlechter 19979: in den Wäldern bei Peso.
- Ledermann 10631: an Hängen im dichten Urwald, 50–100 m ü. M.
- Homalium platyphyllum Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., C 13: 36 (1918); not accepted by Sleumer (1955: 57) and Applequist (2013: 54) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Type: C.A. Wenzel 1525 (15 July[August] 1915; holotype: PNH, destroyed; isotypes: A-A00066767, BM-BM000624469, L 0010992, [fragment]).
- Type locality: [THE PHILIPPINES.] Leyte: Tigbao, near Tacloban.
- Homalium novoguineense Slooten, Bijdr. Combret. Flacourt. Ned.-Ind.: 109 (1919); not accepted by Sleumer (1955: 57), Craven (1979) and Sleumer (2013: 50) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Type: K. Gjellerup 803 (26 October 1911; holotype: U [cf. U.1587079, without any type indication]).
- Type locality: West New Guinea. Tenem River.
- Blakwellia moluccana Blume, Mus. Bot. 2: 27 (1856); not accepted by Sleumer (1955: 57) and Applequist (2013: 66) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Blakwellia foetida (Roxb.) Wall. in J.P.B. Delessert, Icon. Sel. Pl. 3: 32 (1837); not accepted by Govaerts (2001) and Applequist (2013: 36) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Scolopia foetida (Roxb.) Clos, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 4, 8: 253 (1857); not accepted by Sleumer (1955: 57) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
- Astranthus foetida Wall. ex C.B.Clarke in J.D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 2: 598 (1879); not accepted by Govaerts (1995) [cited as Homalium foetidum]
edit- Homalium propinquum C.B.Clarke once listed as a synonym by Sleumer (1955: 57) has been contested by Applequist (2013: 55); see Homalium tomentosum.
- Fernández-Villar (1880: 94) once sank Gordonia polysperma Blanco [≡ Saurauia polysperma (Blanco) Merr.] under synonymy of this species.
editNative distribution areas: |
References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
editPrimary references
edit- Roxburgh, W. (†) 1832. Flora Indica; or, descriptions of Indian Plants. by the late William Roxburgh. Serampore: W. Thacker & Co. Calcutta; Parbury, Allen & Co., London. Vol. 2. 691 pp. BHL Reference page.
- Bentham, G. 1860[1859]. Notes on Homalium. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Botany 4: 31–38. BHL Reference page.
Additional references
edit- Rumphius, G.E. (†) 1743. Herbarium Amboinense, Plurimas conplectens Arbores, Frutices, Herbas, Plantas terrestres & aquaticas, Quae in Amboina, et adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis, Adcuratissime descriptas juxta earum formas, cum diversis denominationibus cultura, usu, ac virtutibus. Quod & insuper exhibet varia insectorum animaliumque genera, Plurima cum naturalibus eorum figuris depicta. Pars Tertia[Vol. 3]. BHL Reference page.
- Blume, C.L. 1852–1856. Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum sive stirpium Exoticarum, Novarum vel Minus Cognitarum ex Vivis aut Siccis Brevis Expositio et Descriptio. Leiden. Volumen 2. BHL Reference page.
- Hooker, J.D., assisted by various botanists. 1876–1879. The Flora of British India Vol. 2. Sabiaceae to Cornaceae. 792 pp. London: L. Reeve. BHL Reference page.
- Blanco, M., Náves, A. & Fernández-Villar, C.. 1880–1883. Flora de Filipinas / por el P. Fr. Manuel Blanco, agustino calzado, adicionada con el manuscrito inédito del P. Fr. Ignacio Mercado, las obras del P. Fr. Antonio Llanos y de un apéndice con todas las nuevas investigaciones botánicas referentes al Archipiélago Filipino. ; Gran edicion / hecha á expensas de la provincia de agustinos calzados de Filipinas bajo la direccion cientifica y literaria de los PP. agustinos calzados Fr. Andrés Naves y Fr. Celestino Fernandez-Villar. Ed. 3, Vol. IV. 212 pp, Manila. Biblioteca Digital. Reference page.
- Merrill, E.D. 1905. A review of the identifications of the species described in Blanco’s Flora de Filipinas. 132 pp. Bureau of Public Printing, Manila. BHL Biblioteca Digital Reference page. [see page 48.]
- Gilg, E. 1918. Die bis jetzt aus Neu-Guinea bekannt gewordenen Flacourtiaceen. Mit 9 Figuren im Text. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 55(2–3): 273–294. BHL Reference page.
- Merrill, E.D. 1918. New or noteworthy Philippine plant, XIII. The Philippine Journal of Science, Section C. Botany 13(1) 1–66. BHL Reference page.
- Sleumer, H. 1955. Flacourtiaceae. Pp. 1–106 in van Steenis, C.G.G.J. (ed.), Flora Malesiana, Ser. I, Vol. 5(1). Noordhoff-Kolff N. V., Djakarta. BHL Reference page.
- Craven, L.A. 1979. Eight new species of Homalium (Flacourtiaceae) from Papuasia. Brunonia 2(1): 107–124. DOI: 10.1071/BRU9790107 Reference page.
- Govaerts, R.H.A. 1995. World Checklist of Seed Plants 1(1, 2). 483, 529 pp. MIM, Deurne. ISBN 90-341-0852-X (issue 1) ISBN 90-341-0853-8 (issue 2). Reference page.
- Govaerts, R.H.A. 2001. World Checklist of Seed Plants. Database in ACCESS E-F: 1-50919 [unavailable to the public]. Reference page.
- Applequist, W.L. 2013. A nomenclator for Homalium (Salicaceae). Skvortsovia 1(1): 12–74. PDF Reference page.
edit- Govaerts, R. et al. 2021. Homalium foetidum in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2021 December 15. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2021. Homalium foetidum. Published online. Accessed: 7 July 2021. Reference page.
- IUCN: Homalium foetidum (Roxb.) Benth. (Least Concern)
- Tropicos.org 2021. Homalium foetidum. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 7 July 2021.