Herpothallon rubroechinatum

Ordo: Arthoniales
Familia: Arthoniaceae
Genus: Herpothallon
Species: Herpothallon rubroechinatum



Herpothallon rubroechinatum Frisch & G. Thor, 2010

Diagnosis: Thallus corticola, usque ad 0.1 mm crassus, albus vel pallide olivaceo-griseus, ecorticatus, firme adpressus; prothallus byssoideus, albus vel rubro-maculatus, usque ad 2 mm latus; hypothallus tenuis, decoloratus; pseudoisidia claviformis vel cylindrica, rubro-echinata; pycnidia apice isidiis formantes, conidiis oblongis vel breve bacilliformibus, 3–4 × 1–1.5 µm; ascomata ignota; acidum psoromicum continens.

Type: U.S.A. Florida: Glades Co., Cypress Knee Museum ca. 10 km W of E end of Lake Okeechobee, in a swamp forest, 27°00′N, 81°20′W, 7 Oct 1985, Thor 4471 (holotype: UPS).

Distribution and ecology: Herpothallon rubroechinatum is widely distributed but scattered in tropical and subtropical America, being known from Florida, Costa Rica and Peru.

Etymology: The specific epithet, rubroechinatum, refers to the spiny hyphae projecting from the pseudoisidia being covered with red anthraquinone crystals.


  • Frisch, A.; Thor, G. and Elix, J. (2010) Herpothallon rubroechinatum (Arthoniaceae), a new species from tropical and subtropical America. The Bryologist 113(1): 144–148.   **[RLL List # 218 / Rec.# 31860] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (JSTOR) (Color photos of Herpothallon rubroechinatum: p. 146, fig. 1A-E)

Vernacular names
